This is the first blog that I have ever posted, so if it is a little bitrough around the edges, please forgive me.
Over the past few days, I've been looking back at some of my older PS2 and PSP games, that have been hidden away at the back of the drawer under a layer of dust for the past few years, and I've been thinking. Out of all the untapped potential that lies within these games ofold for future sequels, very little of it is really harnessed.
Don't get me wrong, I love some of the franchises today. Call of Duty goes from strength to strength, Ratchet and Clank, although most of the same, is still cool, and no one can deny that GTA has not been exploited to its utmost. However, there are different games that have had amazing outings, with a few flaws mind you, yet have not been followed up a stellar sequel that will make technophobes drool at its magnificance.
"Simpsons Hit and Run," ring any bells? Yes? No? This game was a PS2, Xbox, Game Cube and PC release that managed to capture and accurately recreate a fully 3d Springfield along with the great atmosphere and humour found in the series. It got the great Simpsons universe and mixed it with the carstealing and explosive action of the GTA series along with some platforming elements and great graphics to boot. Oh, and it was also free roam. Not bad for a game that came out in 2003. However, its direct Simpsons follow up, "The Simpsons Game," deviated from the 3d, open world setting of its prequel and decided to make the game mission based and linear. The gamewas good, but I don't think it captured the full feel of what the Simpsons was.
Personally, I find the fact that a direct is not even being planned completely crazy. I mean, it's not just me who enjoyed the game, the ratings that it was given from big online review websites (Gamespot, IGN, Gamefaqs) were really good. I'm not sure about the sales that the game enjoyed, and that is where my logic may be flawed, but from where I am, most people I know got the game. Not only was it fun, it was the type of game that could be picked up, played for ten minutes, then put down, if that is what you wanted. Or, you could spend hours competing in races, doing missions and buying cars. In my opinion, it was one of the best PS2 games ever, and the potential today for a sequel is astounding.
Imagine current gen, HD graphics and large capacity memory catering for an entire Sprinfield town and all the characters that have eveer appeared in the Simpsons. Much needed additions to gameply elements, the same charm as the first game and even more cars and areas to explore is a mouthwatering prosepct. Sadly, there are no plans to do this at the present time, and sadly, as time progresses, I don't think that there ever will. Fingers crossed though.
Secondly, I found "Sims 2" for the PSP. Anyone that played this game will know that the load times could cause Barack Obama to grab his Peace Prize trophy and violently beat the UMD to a pulp. However, once the tears are wiped away and the game finally loads, the mystery and undeniable sims atmosphere that surrounded the title was a major hook. The advent of Sims 3 saw the Sims franchise be a little more serious. However, the PSP version did just the oppositte. Not only did the game not take itself too seriously, it was better for it. The weird and wacky setting of Strangetown is far from the serious and carefully made Sunset Valley of Sims 3.
Personally, I would love to see another Sims game hit the PSP however, in a similar fashion to Sims 2. If the load times can be erradicated, minigames diversified and gameply made even more fun and lengthy, I don't see where the game could go wrong. Add another mystery involving aliens and wierd creatures that walk the night and I'm sure everyone will be buying this game in no time. Oh and if it can be made quickly, all the better.
I understand that it sounds simple from my point of view to sit and judge games and then harrass developers for sequels, but ultimately, if they get it right, it is the developers that win here. We pay for the game, so why aren't we entitled to pitch in ideas about future sequels. After all, we play the game and have fun with it.
I know that there are many more sequels that should be made that I have not mentioned (I've only spoken about a pathetic 2) so if you think of any, leave comments and state your own opinions.
So that was my first blog, not as I had imagined it would be, but everyone's got to start somewhere. Right..Right?