Ok, so I've spent some time searching for a game that I had thought would be really cool. I'm not sure if it even exists, but respond if you know of anything that is remotely close.
Lets start, I've been looking for a mystery type game, but not something like Sherlock Holmes or anything like that. Kind of a game where maybe you atart off in a town where everything seems to be shrouded in mystery. Mysterious lights that flash during the night, possibly UFO's and you have to go and investigate. Strange trees being found fallen over and ripped to shreds in the forrest, maybe a Bigfoot is lurking around. People disappearing all of a sudden and secret intelligence agencies operating within this town. You, as a character, would investigate all these things whilst lving in this town.
That's basicaly the sort of game I want,loosely like the Sims 2 for PSP but with more emphasis on mystery and less emphasis on social aspects and home decorating of the Sims.
I don't really much mind the platform its on, as long as its current. I would much appreciate it if anyone reading this can tell me if this sort of game exists at all, and if it does exist, what game it is.
Thanks in advance.
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