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Crusade done and burned...mostly

Well I played WoW again for around 2 months total, having gone from 1-70 on a Blood Elf Paladin in 12 days 5 minutes played (My previous 60s had taken 30 and 17 days respectively from my two previous tenures)

I basically played until I got bored. I'd been forced to quit WoW the two times before due to financial or technical issues so this was the first time I quit WoW of my own total volition. I have now a Retribution Paladin decked out in Rares with a couple of Epics. I could continue to try for better gear to access more raid dungeons since I'm keyed for everything up to and including Karazhan and all heroic modes. I simply have no desire to continue as there are many better things I could be doing with that time.

Ultimately I do get bored with most computer games in the long run and WoW certainly has had a long run. I am free so far as I can tell and that is a very good thing. Makes me wonder if I will ever finish Final Fantasy XII.