Ok, give it a days worth rest then. Like, after I fixed my ylod problem I had to give it a rest for a while. Then try again maybe a day or two later.
I know were gamers and we like to play all the time but our consoles needs rest like we do.
I now have like a habit of only using my system once a day and I try to use it only at night time. Time ranges from around 7:30pm - 11:30pm or 12:00am. During Mornings, Afternoons and Evenings, My 60GB is resting like a baby. When I turn her on, she usually stays silent the first 20 minutes or untill I start playing a game. Then her fan starts to kick on.
That's good, better than the time I use mines daily. Although it's not like the PS3 is going to blow up if you use it 24/7. Just gets hot.
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