So here are the following answers some tv users asked:
Srzeczyca asked: What is your real name?
Answer:Hmm i'm nor sure if i can say it but i'll say it it's Victor but i go by Osciel.
Srzeczyca asked: Do you have any pets?
Answer: No
Kristy101 Asked: What are your favorite tv shows?
Answer: Well i like a lot but im only saying mt top 3 zatch bell, pokemon ben 10.
Kristy101 asked: What are your hobbies?
Answer: well my hobbies are well umm not sure.XD
Kristy101 asked: Do you wub me as i wub you?xD
Answer: ...
Jonathan0993 asked: How is school for you?
Answer: It's good so far i met new people.
Jonathan0993 asked: Do you submit a lot of contibrutions on
Answer: Like 2 a week i think.
Jonathan asked:Do you have many friends?
Answer: Well i guess let me see i think i have around 20 friends including girls.
SPDShadowRanger: Why do you start school so **** early?
Answer: I guess because we got out early from school May 29th.
SPDShadowRanger asked: Do you think Piplup Rocks?
Answer: Well Of course he's my 3rd favorite pokemon!!
Jonathan0993 asked: SPDShadowRanger do you drive a car?
Answer:...(this is for SPDShadowRanger)
Domojita asked: How old are you?
Answer: ...
Domojita asked: Whens your B-day?
Answer: October 10
Domojita asked: Favorite music?
Answer:don't have one
Domojita asked: What games do you play?
Answer: Any racing,action-adventure,fighting games
Chesse1994 asked:What state do you live in?
Answer: Arizona
Cheese1994 asked: What's you favorite sport team?
Answer: Hmmm dont have one sorry
TDI101 asked: Are you a boy or girl?
Answer: Boy
And Finally
Pikachu_2121 asked Favorite sport?
Answer: BASEBALL!!