I'd go with Devil May Cry 4 or Ratchet and Clank: Future. I played, beat, and love both and once you beat Ratchet and Clank the first time and do Challenge Mode it's awesome. Your pick though, Uncharted was way to short and it wasn't really that great so I sold it a day or two later, same with Heavenly Sword.
I, for one, think that there's no JRPG that's going to be better in 2008 - 2009 that will be better than Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII.
Also, not all PS3 Owners do think that JRPGs are better, but I know a lot, like me, that do and that's only because we were raised with series like Final Fantasy and StarOcean. I'm not saying that I don't like some FPSs and a good amount of other RPG Series, but to a lot of people like me JRPGs are what we were raised with. I also really like the Tales Series but unless someone buys a Xbox 360 for me I'm not going to be playing it. The only games that would make be buy a console are The Elder Scrolls Series and the Final Fantasy Series.
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