Element00216's forum posts
Funny that you mention this too. I just bought Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 for the PS2 about 2 hours ago.
Don't play them one after the other. You might find yourself a little perplexed by MGS3. Play MGS2, relax for a few weeks, maybe a couple months, then pop in MGS3.
I've beaten MGS2 before, back when it first came out. It's just been a while, and regreted selling it to Gamestop.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]MGS's music is the only good thing about the sereies
Halo wins by a hair on this one.
You mean besides the fact that Metal Gear Solid has better overall everything than Halo?
Halo's music can't hold a candle to Metal Gear Solid's.
Says you. Halo is rated higher and sells more than Metal Gear Solid. Just because you believe it doesn't make it so. You just seem to be one big Halo basher.
Get over yourself.
Funny that you mention this too. I just bought Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 for the PS2 about 2 hours ago.
I liked Killzone..does that mean I'm strange? I also think killzone will be as good as halo 3.
BTW-How come when killzone diden't look like the trailer everyone was complaning but halo3 came out it looked nothing like that first trailer but no one complains...lol I love the SW fourms
1) Halo 3 was never hyped for its graphics. Killzone 2 was the potential of the Playstation 3, and was said to be how it would look in-game.
2) Halo 3 does look the same, they just used different effects and such for the trailer. Master Chief's armor isn't as shiny and his mask isn't the glossy mirror it was before, but both models are the same with minor tweaks. Environments are the same, it just lacks a lot of depth blur. It also has a lot more jaggies.
And I think Killzone looks pretty damn close to the trailer. The only problem I have is that the animations are not the same, and the overall atmospheric effects are not as intense -- but I never expected those things to be the same.
[QUOTE="OGTiago"]Because it flopped before, and it's an FPS. The genre has very high standards now, COD4, Halo 3, etc.Arjdagr8
...i don't what to say..."because it flopped before"...did you even read the post.
The problem is that your examples are a tad bit different from Killzone's current position. While Grand Theft Auto opened up new grounds to form, what some would call, a revolutionary new genre on consoles, Killzone going into its next installment won't make nearly as significant of a jump. Devil May Cry is the same in a sense, except that the first was a hit. The second was just poor, only to have the 3rd pick up the slack. It does show that developers make mistakes, but Killzone's first outing just wasn't as great as it was chalked up to be. Hitman I have no comment on -- I've never played it. I just know it's not the AAA series that Killzone is hyped as.
None of this is any reason to say the game will be good, but it is definitely a reason to say it won't defenitely be bad. If anything, your examples just show that not every developer plateus on quality. Something that should be noted is that the FPS genre has some of the highest quality titles available on the entire market. Killzone entering the fray again Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 has some very large shoes to fill. It will be fighting an uphill battle.
Anybody who says Killzone 2 will be amazing from what we've seen so far, and what we know from the past, is just being insane and shouldn't be taken seriously. Anybody who says Killzone 2 will be crap because of what we've seen so far, and what we know from the past, is being just as inane. Stop hyping it, and stop bashing it. Just wait like we do for everything else.
It'll be a flop if it doesn't get AAA, considering everyone hyping makes it sound that way. Anyways, I am still not sure on it, but I bet it will be a pretty good game. Maybe not AAA, but close.LTomlinson21
Killzone 2 represents the power of the Playstation 3. It was the first video I saw, and the first video to make me go "Wow!" when looking at what next-generation games have in store. If it doesn't get AAA status hands down, I'm afraid it will be a 'flop'. Maybe a great game, but not the Killer App that it hopefully will be (and needs to be).
TC, lems don't want to belive that Killzone will be good because it would mean that Sony has everything. First person shooters, RPGS, action adventure...everything. Killzone must flop for them to feel good about themselves.
Nevermind all the games that have improved on their predecessor, KZ2 has no shot because they say so. Funny part is more than half of them NEVER played Killzone 1.
That is a bull statement and you know it. Right now the XBOX 360 has a very satisfying and well rounded library, with next year brining many more titles that verge outside the realm of FPS.
No, you're right. People are so caught up with their current system that they hope every other game in the industry fails just so they can keep hiding in their shell. Much more logical than the alternative of the game just having a weak predasessor and nifty graphics to make judgements on.
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