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Best and Worst Part 3: Genre Awards

Genre Awards

Innovative games that are desirable, but there's also something to be said for those games that execute tried-and-true
concepts extremely well. Besides games being innovative, some games don't have too and ended up pretty well. Genres
are essential for each individual game, they created the crave for them and revivalize it. For my genre awards, we recognize
the most popular **** of gaming and select the best examples of each one across all platforms. Heres those categories for
the Genre Awards.

Best Action Adventure Game

Action Adventure games had been much popular indeed. This genre is comprise more of button mashing to hack and slash fun, but not all of them are comprise of that. Some of them are hybrids and require you to be prusident. Many franchise out there that
are popular to everyone are: Zelda and Kratos, both of them are very popular to the gaming culture and they kick a** in games.
To win this award, they need to prove to defeat everyone in a Battle Royale. Heres the hack'n slash nonimees of 2007.

God of War II

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Assassin's Creed

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Best Shooter

The shooter category has been a hallmark of gaming culture. he word "shooter" has traditionally brought the first-person perspective to mind, but the definition in this category has grown to encompass just about any game in which you shoot at things with a gun. Third-person action has been creeping into these sorts of games with increasing regularity in recent years, but in the end, it all comes down to lining up the enemy in your sights and squeezing the trigger. 2007, has a great selection of shooters, most of them are kicka**. Heres the shot to the face categories of 2007.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Halo 3

Orange Box

Best Adventure Game

Remember Adventure Games, back in the day. You know mostly comprised of story, more interaction to the environment and solving puzzles? Yeah the developers probably forget about this genre. The Adventure Genre is the same as the fighting genre which its probably too old to be active in this society. But some developers showed some love and make some awesome titles for the adventure category. Its just disappoining that Dreamfall Chapters didn't arrived this year but either than that, these games
are probably the greats of 2007. Heres click for the best adventure game of 2007.

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

Best Rhythm/ Music Genre

Music-focused games are becoming more and more popular in their own right, so much so that we had to finally up and give the rhythm/music genre its own separate award. The four nominees in this category all take some form of popular music and translate it into rhythmic gameplay that's often challenging and always addictive. From rock, to pop, to ****c ballads, these games have it all. Lets rock out hard to the nonimees to Best Rhythm/ Music Genre.

Rock Band

Guitar Hero III


SingStar Amped

Best Stragedy

Stragedy games continued the onslaught on evolving each year. What Stragedy games are basically consider the best is when you play it on the PC to get the full experience. But with Command & Conquer: Tiberium Sun on consoles, it shows us that Stragedy on consoles work fine. Some Stragedy games this year fully revolutionize the gameplay perceptive being that they are more enjoying that it looks, World in Conflict and Supreme Commander showed us the way towards massive conflicts in battlefields and without any framerate issues.Games like Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars and Medieval didn't dramatically changed the ****of gameplay but just failed to be a RTS rather than become like its precedessors. Heres the selection of nonimees for the best Stragedy game of 2007.

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars

Supreme Commander

World in Conflict

Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms

Best Role-playing

There are much that Role-playing offers, interaction, a good battle system and create a character. Most of the Role-playing games are like a marathon to finish, its story-driven is much like the Adventure category. As much I adore this category before, this year didn't deliver much in the RPG category. It seems like the RPG genre is going to die down if they do make better games than this(with the exception of Mass Effect). Remember back in the Playstation and the Nintendo days, where they deliver hits like
Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Thousand Arms and etc? Those were the days but now these games in this year seems kinda boring but still they deliver some formula on the table. While it seems that another ****c Final Fantasy game is released in the Gameboy, so it might to some hope for the RPG category. Its good to see the Bioware guys making another game but to be honest, thats the only good game that come out this year, Disappointing. Heres just the nonimees for Best Role-playing.

Mass Effect

Eternal Sonata

Final Fantasy VI Advance

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles