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Best of E3 Documentaries

I’m very pleased to present to you Best of E3 Documentaries, this feature in text format is where we honor the most memorable, and the most magnificent, documentaries through the past years of e3. For the last few years since 2004, Gamespot set up a video documentary, detailing their experiences and thoughts about e3. Proudly directed and produced by the ever-so popular, Ben from the highly anticipated movie, Curse of the Ninja, this documentary made a head start to produce, one of the detailed videos and yet pleasing of how these editors strive to give the audience, one of the best coverage than other gaming publications. As usual, each documentary is presented via of the show floors, interviews from gaming developers, exclusive behind the scenes footage and conferences either for launch-titles or console conferences revealing their latest new console or other specific add-ons to their original console.

I’m very honored to present to you, at least 30 or less awards in all, spread across two different categories, although, these two categories are confirmed as not like the Gamespot’s Best and Worst feature, but presenting which is most impressive and most disappointing documentaries of all time, at this time. Similar to how the schedule works in Gamespot’s Best and Worst, I will released one category a day, following up to Wednesday, the 23th where you voters can cast your vote, and nominate one of your documentaries via on category text format.

Also like the Readers’ Choice category in each year for the Best and Worst, the voting that will determine who is your best e3 documentary, will commence (like I said in the previous paragraph) on Wednesday the 23th, where I will start making voting threads in the Gamespot Live Union to January the 6th, when the polls are closed and you cannot vote anymore even if the thread is still open (unless one of the officers is willing to close it). So right now, you have plenty of time to cast your vote for the Best of E3 Documentary.

About These Awards


After watching these E3 Documentaries, from 2004 to now, I decided on making a feature called Best of E3 Documentary, aspired by Gamespot’s Best and Worst feature and Spike TV’s Video Game Awards airing every year in December. These anticipated videos, are detailed by categories, revealing which is the best and worst from different platforms, genres and etc. These awards are generally created by me but surely the voters will help me add, additional categories and will definitely include in the credits, for your creative contribution.  My decision-making process in determining the best e3 documentary in each category, and the categories themselves, was as focused, use of creativity and intensive as ever. I considered all the Gamespot documentaries, not only by how detailed it is, but my perspective of how dramatic, intense, humorous and other key factors. I continue to debate which will make it in these categories and which are not, stating from my opinion, it have taken away some of the categories because of its immature material and useless category that will not make sense, rather than voting. As you notice in the best and worst feature, these specific documentaries were not neglected in favor of these videos but only how it was detailed either by how entertaining it was, impressive behind the scenes, and by the director. Also in some cases, I picked these categories that will suit the nominations.

This feature is not tolerate any documentary wars, from my hand-picked nominations. Soon you will be able to cast your vote on your own favorite documentary on these categories provided by me or by you, once I have finished these categories. And pleased be civilized and post your nominations, reasoning why this is your favorite documentary on these categories, I’m not forcing you to cast your vote, but I would recommend you doing so, the more the better, making it more easier and less work to tally up the scores. I beg of you pleased do not plagiaries this feature; it is copyrighted by ElendilElessar’s Best of E3 Documentaries @ 2006.

Please and thank you for the reading this and nominating one of these specific categories. I will be proud if you reply to my thread on the Gamespot Live Union, submitting your votes, you will be gladly add to the credits as the Contributors or the Contenders.

Have a fun time voting and see you in the Gamespot Live Union forums. Take Care and Happy Holidays!