Theres no game features better than gamespot's features. Throughout the years, gamespot features have pleased the gamespot audience, Gamespotting, Tenspot, Burning questions, Hotspot, On the spot, Let's Gamespot, Last Word, to other amazing features categorize under specific holidays and current events. Ever since the first marathon ever, it have been a huge popularity feature for users(especially for subscribers), choosing awesome titles like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Madden 07, and Saints Row. But October 28, 2006 on 2 pm EDT (11pm PDT), the "true" marathon commence and so goes my addiction..... WORLD OF WARCRAFT: BURNING CRUSADE GAMEPLAY MARATHON!!!! (well not the retail game actually, this is a closed beta marathon)
wait a minute.. no more, slapping babies or Man Cannon?
On the day of this marathon, I prepared with an abundance of provisions and sacrificing my washroom privileges, so that my hygiene level will decrease (sounds like something in Sims 2). So on 2pm EDT, I tuned in for this marathon, NOT going into the chatroom because i can't concentrate watching the marathon while reading spam and lame jokes. As I pressed the play bottom, I willing to see the three editors fulled with intellect and strength, but the short-minute beginning delay wasn't that I expected. After the delay screen disappears, the starting of WoW marathon begins with three editors whom is known to all, Bethany, Greg Kavasin and Justin Covert starting on a big table with three alienware labtops and a machine that stabilized this marathon and can switch screens while seeing them playing burning crusade beta. After the complimentary introduction from the three brave editors, we tuned onward to gameplay portion of the marathon, where I see two gamespot editors' characters riding on a gryphon enroute to Redridge Mountains from Ironforge where they discuss about getting Greg a epic mount because he won't keep up while riding his own horse in the new terrain. In the forests of Elywnn, at a settlement east of Stormwind beckoning on buying a epic mount, Greg loaned Bethany's gold so that he can purchase a epic mount from the horse breeder vendor. Getting advance horse training and a epic mount, Greg saddle up with Bethany and charge forth to Duskwood, enroute to Nethegarde Keep and onward beyond the Dark Portal where the name is known to all Warcraft players ever since the second installment of Warcraft.... Outland… After they arrived at the Dark Portal, they waited for all the other editors to arrive but they receive news that only Dave Toister and Stanley Lin was the only two editors who arrived there.. When they arrived, the five editors spirited to the dark portal and jumped in, giving a few seconds on the brief loading time and then… they appeared in a desolate red land of Outland... where they sought a huge battle between the alliance and the pit commander’s forces. Bethany said to not interfere with its forces because the menacing demon infernals are too high level for them and the three gamespot editors are level 60s except for Stanley Lin, hes level 64. The editors found a flight path to Honor’s Stand (alliance city) where they focused on finding an instance where they can experience with the new creatures awaiting in it……
Without too much spoilers in this instance, I'll cut it short.. They first arrive at some orcish base that contains several of instances of it some are for lvl 70s and up and some are 60+, Bethany advised them to continued on into the 59+ instance because they will sure be wiped out. The orcs in this instance is for sure, looked like those orcs from Warcraft II, well these clans are called the Laughing Skull Clan and the Bleeding Hollow Clan. After they finished a dozen of orcs with the kidney shot from Greg(Female Human Rouge) and the Sniping skills of Justin Colvert(Dwarven Man Hunter), they fight the first boss of this instance wielding two axes with no hands, Greg joked about him not unable to brush its teeth because it doesn't have hands so Bethany said "I think it comes with attachments". Soon after the first boss was defeated they continued on luring orcs to kill them, on the orcs are flying with no mechanics what so ever, so hilarity ensues with a group of flying(floating) orcs attacking them. I mean orcs are hilarious when you see them doing their emotes but floating orcs, thats even funnier than any other dances or any other emotes...I think after facing alot of orcs they fought a orc mounting a dragon, the battle has alot of sacrifices but at the end the bear(Stanley) and Dave killed the dragon and ressurect Greg, Bethany and Justin.