After my long, five-day stay from December 29th to January 3rd at New York City during the New Years feastivities, going into the Nintendo World store for the first time and after my pre-birthday celebration on January the 2th. My family and I left Brooklyn and enroute back to my home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the hours spend on coming home and stopping at service areas, we finally came home at a tiredsome state. What quickly got to my brain, is Gamespot.. apparently I didn't came to this site since late 2004 and somewhere between first or last quarter of 2005. When I attempted to log into my account, I forgot my password since I knew it two years ago, so I checked old hotmail to see whats my password and my mail box is renewed, and I said "wth"! So thats why I created another account, which is annoying!
When I logged into my account, I glimpse at the news and it says on the headline... "Greg Kasavin Bids Gamespot Farewell" I started to tremble and tears ran across my eyes and I said in shocked, " This.... can't... be.. happening?!?" I solemly click on the link with despair and read the news article. It saids Greg is going to work for the developers in a unknown video game and this is second last week in gamespot. I quickly then, went to Greg's profile and read his farewell blog, his blog was quite long but most professional like him. It is atmost tragedic that he is leaving gamespot since he was occuied in this job in 1996 when Videogamespot was formed to now. He is one of the most professional editors and well known in the video game industry. Seeing that he is going to work in the video game industry instead of writing it, almost eqvialent to Bob and Carrie's job but in different companies.
Greg Kasavin is indeed one of the most influencfual and professional reviewers out there, the many things he did from video features to video reviews was downright hilarious and brilliant. His unique sense of taste and wisdom on video games differ than other tastes, he primarily favourite is fighting games but most importantly enjoying the game not judging by its graphics or what not (but judging on crappy games). He is definietly not bias or a fan of any console, with the exception of the Neo Geo. As he stated: "We tend to be netural towards consoles and we think all consoles are equal and they have excellent games in them" Greg Kasavin is indeed a talented editor and specifically a great site director, directing what to do next or professionally writing out reviews that will satisfly or get bashed by the gamers. Words that I cannot describe to Greg, he is indeed one of the best reviewers out there!
If this is the world of Legend of Zelda, Greg Kasavin is would be the Triforce of Wisdom because many creative work he had done is by pure wisdom and talent. I have many people one my list who is in this triforce but none can match the caliber of Greg Kasavin. This is how smart he could be, his laughter and passionate of games is truly in his heart.
Along many people or things that aspire and change my life, Greg did the most to change my opinion on Video Games, Reviews, and how hard it is to do this job from tending E3 to video game marathons just to pleased to viewers at home. Not only those three but gave me more courage to write stories or reviews and just to never give up! He is seriously in my top five, taking the third place next to Naruto and World War docementaries and movies like Saving Private Ryan, Behind Enemy Gates, Flags of our Fathers and Band of Brothers,of most influefual and aspiring people in my life and taking first place in my Video Games categories. It is just a tragedy to see Greg leaving Gamespot, since Joe Fielder, Shane Shatterfield, Amer, Gicarlo, Bob and Carrie Goukos left Gamespot to proceed on their dream. Like Amer, Bob and Carrie saying that its their once and a life-time opportunity. Greg said the same thing.
Well I wish you luck Greg Kasavin, Editor-in-Chief at Gamespot, after the few days, Gamespot will never be the same.
Here are the most aspiring, most memorable and yet most impressive gamespotting videos that change my opinion.
Game of the Year -
The Video Mailbag -
The Future Is Now -
The Method to the Madness -
1,001 Nights -
GameSpotting's 100th Anniversary -
The GameSpot Advantage -
These are some of my favourite video reviews by Greg Kasavin:
Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Video Review
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Video Review
Final Fantasy X Video Review
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Video Review
Global Operations Video Review
Virtua Fighter 4 Video Review
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Video Review
Grand Theft Auto III Video Review
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Video Review
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Video Review
Shinobi Video Review
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Video Review
Condemned: Criminal Origins Video Review
Gun Video Review
Doom 3 Video Review
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Video Review
Lumines Video Review
Ninja Gaiden Video Review
Red Steel Video Review
Most of these are excerpts of what Greg Kasavin's talent on video reviewing, there is alot of video review that have tons of creativity from Greg but I just can't find that much. I enjoyed every single video review released by Greg Kasavin, either by dressing up to wielding a sword or gun.
As I mention before, Greg, I salute you for all your talent and wisdom and I wish you best of luck in your new job.