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Relentless Knight's Travel to China (Late Blog.... I mean tooo late.....

off the wall blog which in fact, it was! I probably should of find a computer to start this damned blog to compensate how astounding and fanastic, this glorious journey, that I have experienced. Well, just to remind you, this isn't propaganda that I'm selling like the fake theories, "people" have been saying in the news.

So heres my journey to China...

Day 1

What to say first, it all started in Feburary of the 28th, at the irriated wake up call from my father whom is really... just... an annoyance to us all. Which in fact was 5 0'clock in the morning. I packed up my stuff, brung some entertainment devices such as, PSP, my crappy 2GB iPod Nano and some books, so that it will consume mouthful of hours as the trip to Toronto to Guanzhou isn't a well deserved trip in fact. But it isn't a direct trip to China but rather, I have to change terimals. My first indenture was to Vancouver, less than an hour or two to be redirected to the terimal. That direct trip to Tokyo is no joke, it's just that the pilot on that plane "Air Canada" sucks at flying. Which is rather an annoyance to myself and other people whom were all Japanese. After much irriation of that arrival, in fact i just soiled myself, not to try to disgrace myself in front of the Japanese.

At the airport, I exchanged some money into "yen" which tells me that I should of learn my lesson ago, NOT to purchase anything at the airport. All the stuff there are expansive, maybe only the airport but if I go outside, I guess that the things outside the airport will be cheap...right? The hours, I've spent there wasn't satisfying at all, so I got on the plane to Guanzhou. I arrived there at midnight, it took a few oppurnities to leave but my father being a jerk like he always is, just.... arrrggh! My father's friend called and he told my dad that we are going to stay in a luxury hotel or spa and resort to be exact. When we arrived there, it looks so much like a 5-star Hotel, as evidence by their clothing and how much a great of a service when I entered upon the hotel. Just to remind you that when I entered there, there is some wierd things going on there, like seriously, not to be immature to its just a sauage fest there, and its just a pure concidence that I'm not eating hotdogs anymore. Man, I wish it was the females would share the men's change room but I will save that for another story.

"The taking all the clothes thing really didn't bother me... as much" but it was rather relaxing. The shower was nice and the food was good but has some merits. Then I went to massage, as much as the shower could be, the massage was rather relaxing but despite the fact, I don't speak Mandarian which is the language spoken there, I tend to avoid it. After that comfortable massage, I went to sleep because its midnight there and that ends the short day of Day 1.

More to come!