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Elenxid Blog

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy series are back!

After owning the Play Station 2 and having to play Final Fantasy VII, X, X-2, XII i found this game very brilliantly done!

Believe it or not but after playing many Final Fantasy games i found this game the most exciting at the start. Well, hard to explain why but lets start with the graphics (can't play i game without decent graphics :P) and this game really lives up to it's expectations. The story, ohh the story! It is awesome, although which Final Fantasy story is not? The thing that i did not really like with this game is the "after-ending" work. After you finish the story, you'll be able to travel back to a place you have already been in during the story and the only thing you have left is to complete challenges and upgrade your characters to MAX. Now this seems easy right? Yepp it is, the only hard enemy to defeat is a big "Tortoise". That's what brings the game down as a whole. But aslong as the story lasts.. it is a MUST-to-buy game.

Probably why i love it so much is because it really reminds me of Final Fantasy X and it's flawless gameplay.

Noble Map Pack

Will YOU buy it?

I purchased it and was not a 100% satesfied... I mean, yeah we got more achievements and more maps but nothing really special. But "hey" it's only 800 Microsoft Points.The maps are cool designed i must admit but i personally don't lke huge maps which kinda explains alot here. Anchor 9 is "OK" in size but the "feeling" is missing. Tempest was a quite good success because of the Forge tool there. Breakpoint is just terrible... a dark, cold and lonely place with alot of vechicles! Anyways is short terms i think this DLC wans okay. Nothing to fancy but nothing to bad either. Enjoy! (Btw, i do recommend purchasing.)

Weekly Challenge

Woah! This will actually get me going!

The weekly challenge this week really made me go WOW!!! I just stood there and looked at the "juicy" 16.000 credits. Then it came to my mind that i need to earn them so i went straight and did the dailies. Now weekly you are going down!

What do you guys think about the weekly? Is that a weekly that you have been waiting for or what?!

AC Brotherhood

I really like what i see about this game. Maybe buying it. If anyone has anything to say about this game would be great. I would love to know some advantages/downsides to it.

Pestilence vs Inclement Weather

Are ya rich on Halo: Reach?

I saved up one million Credits after playing like "3 weeks" (now sure... seriously... don't you dare say anything negative about it!). After gaining one million i desided to buy pestilience! STINKY!!! Well i think it was worth the $ and why? Because firstlt the green clouds and my fellow fly companions :) The sudden droppings is a fun part too. You bleed like a Flood aswell.

Inclement weather: Well i have seen a guy have it equiped and i thought it was cool and all but no"droppings" nor any cool ending effects! Well the lightning is beast but pestilence is more worth the credits (my opinion).

What do you guys like? Stinky or Electricutie (:D)? Leave a comment and let me know.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach!

Lucky me! I got Halo Reach the day before release. Could you believe how fun it was to hear all my buddies on Xbox LIVE yell at me :D BTW Sorry for not making any blg post these couple of "weeks". I was busy playing on my Xbox. Halo REACH is really cool, i don't want to spoil the moment but... you can choose between female or male, elite spartan (duhh) and choose what armors you want to equip or buy. "How can i get money"... Well play the game, you can rank up (example, from private to corporal) in campaign, firefight... matchmaking... anything. "What happends if i rank up" Well when you rank up you earn money. They are also dailie challenges aswell as weekly. You get bonus CR (Credits) for completing them. Not to talk about all awesome achievements. PS: Looooong campaign :))

Have fun mates from around the world!

It seems possible..

Is it going to arrive today?

Said it it coming the 24th but is it correct?

I am talking of course about my Xbox 360 Slim that i ordered. Hmm.. although i got an email that it is on it's way and will be there soon. It's quite good to know that my purchase was a success and it will be even more good if i would be able to recieve my unit, well ill have to wait and see.

Marrige of Victoria from Sweden

Is this right?

The queen of Sweden married a "farmer" and now it has been sometime and im starting to feel like this marrige won't last. Why? Cause he wont be a king and is it only to live with her for money? In the wedding i saw alot of times were Victoria was really happy and smiled to Daniel while he did not even twitch. Well i wish them the best of luck and i hope it will last for the maximum time...

Facebook or Twitter

Facebook or twitter, what's best?

I have been using facebook a while but suddenly i have been hearing that twitter scores the audience attention. Why?

Questions have been asked and answer have been "well, answered". Although i don't really get twitter. It sounds like it's "holding people inside on a great sunny day" This is altough my second blog post this day but i don't get this whole thing. I prefer facebook like all my great class mates... but you'll never know, it might change.

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