Final Fantasy series are back!
After owning the Play Station 2 and having to play Final Fantasy VII, X, X-2, XII i found this game very brilliantly done!
Believe it or not but after playing many Final Fantasy games i found this game the most exciting at the start. Well, hard to explain why but lets start with the graphics (can't play i game without decent graphics :P) and this game really lives up to it's expectations. The story, ohh the story! It is awesome, although which Final Fantasy story is not? The thing that i did not really like with this game is the "after-ending" work. After you finish the story, you'll be able to travel back to a place you have already been in during the story and the only thing you have left is to complete challenges and upgrade your characters to MAX. Now this seems easy right? Yepp it is, the only hard enemy to defeat is a big "Tortoise". That's what brings the game down as a whole. But aslong as the story lasts.. it is a MUST-to-buy game.
Probably why i love it so much is because it really reminds me of Final Fantasy X and it's flawless gameplay.
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