Halo Reach!
Lucky me! I got Halo Reach the day before release. Could you believe how fun it was to hear all my buddies on Xbox LIVE yell at me :D BTW Sorry for not making any blg post these couple of "weeks". I was busy playing on my Xbox. Halo REACH is really cool, i don't want to spoil the moment but... you can choose between female or male, elite spartan (duhh) and choose what armors you want to equip or buy. "How can i get money"... Well play the game, you can rank up (example, from private to corporal) in campaign, firefight... matchmaking... anything. "What happends if i rank up" Well when you rank up you earn money. They are also dailie challenges aswell as weekly. You get bonus CR (Credits) for completing them. Not to talk about all awesome achievements. PS: Looooong campaign :))
Have fun mates from around the world!