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I hope you had the time of your life

Hey everyone!:D
I am back! I had a lot of fun. It is so nice just getting away and forget about everything sometimes. It's those moments when you can just relax and enjoy. You know I missed you very much, but without the internet, TV and everything you have time to do things you normally don't have time for.

The last days I have taken several walks in the woods. The forest is amazing! It's really old and undisturbed. Here are lots of pics, some blurry, as previously promised:P








And here are some from the walk but not of the forest.




Pardon the horrible images, that's my bro and dad:P and a real canon:D



Woah! Look at his expression!:lol:


Oh, and this is the view from the terrace during the evening::D



One night we booked a sauna.:P We always do that while there. We always compete too:roll: I don't win, dad always do:P But when we are so hot we can no longer breath, we run down to the ocean and dive. It's a weird feeling going from on chock to another and the body gets pretty confused:P When it comes to who can jump in the water the quickest I win sometimes:D The screams can be heard all over the island though:P

We played a lot of games; cards, monopoly and scrabble. I have issues when it comes to competing, I mentioned that right? I wrote down a quote from when we played Oh hell:
Me:*Counts scores* I WON! Dad, you can go suck that sweet, sweet victory good-bye, because it belongs to meeee! *dances* You guys suck! I am the master! Bow people, bow! *laughs evilly* You lost! Suck. It. Up! Ha!
Dad: Wow, Ellen. You have got serious issues...

I won scrabble too.:D But Monopoly went straight to hell. It wasn't me fault though, I didn't have a chance! It was all bad luck! That's why I hate games that don't have anything to do with thinking, I always loose.:P Random pic from playing. My dad is... Speshul.


There were some animals and cuz I am loving the picspam, I will continue pumping photos:D






On the way home, on the boat, I found a pair of awesome sunglasses. I thought it could be the sunglasses of justice for H when he was small, because it was for children, but they were so ugly they were cool.:P


And here is with my bro being the model:P

I like his chocolate moustache:lol:

Here then, sexy gap, huh?:lol:


And on the way there you always pass this very creepy dead island. It's dead because of some bird, they poop on it and their faeces just destroy it for some reason. I have no idea why. Pics:



So that was my trip. What have you been up to? Something interesting happened while I was gone?:D Oh yeah, right. Tagging stuff. *sigh* Damn you Suz.

  1. I don't like loosing.
  2. I am afraid of pooping birds.
  3. I think Horatio should change his current SOJ to the ones I found.
  4. My dad is speshul.
  5. Sheep are awesome. Bah!


House quote! I think I'm gonna go watch some House after this, finally I can! Yay!
Dr. Foreman: Been looking for you!
House: Been avoiding you...

That is all my dearies, missed you very much. So good to be back! *licks* Comment me green!