Today I'm going for random. I don't feel like doing something nice or deep right now... That will be the topic of the next blog I think. So that leaves obscure and bizarre. And just like that, I have a topic!
If you're not confused, prepare yourself, because you will be! I have not let my random skills show through and expose their real face yet... Until right now!
Once upon a time there was an Ellen. She was an ordinary girl. She had an ordinary life, with ordinary friends and an (almost) ordinary family. This is the story of an ordinary day, in her ordinary life.
Ellen lived on an ordinary street.
Ellen and her ordinary family had an ordinary car with an ordinary license plate.
Like all the other ordinary girls in Ellen's school, Ellen liked carrots and bread. Ellen liked carrots and bread in a very ordinary way...
One ordinary day, Ellen and her ordinary family wanted to visit an ordinary tunnel. They decided to go in their ordinary car with the ordinary license plate.
After a while Ellen's ordinary little brother got hungry, so Ellen and her ordinary family had to eat. They went to an ordinary street.
On the ordinary street was an ordinary chinese restaurant. The ordinary chinese restaurant had a very ordinary name.
When they were done, and Ellen's ordinary brother was full, they continued their ordinary journey.
Ellen's ordinary dad, who was driving very ordinarily, suddenly started to laugh very ordinarily. He ordinarily pointed into the rear-view window.
A lot of ordinary laughter ensued.
After another ordinary while they were finally there. The ordinary family went into the ordinary tunnel to look at it; they looked at it in very ordinary way of course...
Like all the ordinary people in the world, Ellen was stupid. So Ellen listened to the ordinary commercial in the tunnel.
Ellen jumped, and hurt herself. She ordinarily shouted:
Everything worked out in the end, it ordinarily does. Ellen was happy, like all the other ordinary people who are too dumb to notice all the ordinary crap that's happening... But as most ordinary Shakespeare stories end, "All is well that ends well".
The (ordinary) end!
Now you might ask why I did this story... Yeah, it's because I am:
... Well almost, I am Miss Geek! *huge hugs to everyone who comment me ordinarily random:lol:* Guud baj!:P