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OMG! Is that?!... Yes, yes it is!

Yes people, you will not be seeing visions. Ellen has stolen one of Feather's quizzes. This is the moment she has been waiting for since the first time I met her. But first, quote. I made it with pics.:D

Well, so me and dad decided to make cheesecake today. We have never done that before, this is how it went:

Dad: Hey, what's the difference between a paj and a bak?

Me: pajThis one is for making pies.
Dad: Well, then what is thisbak? A hat? dad

Yeah, he actually put it on his head. I worked my Paint magic to make it alive though.:P

Aaaand, quiz!:D

01. Do you own a box full of receipts? Not a box, I own a book though:D

02. Is Dory your hero? As in finding Nemo? She's cool, but being a hero is stretching it.

03. Did you own a ponch, during the craze? There was a craze? But no. I did not own one, I never own anything craze-y. I do the opposite, I curse it:D

04. Stripes or polka dots? Polka dots I guess. I don't really care, frankly.

05. Do you like taking pictures of yourself? Is Elvis alive? Hell no. School picture day is worse than finding out your grades. It's especially bad if they're only of me, I get shy. And I am not what they call photogenic.:roll:

06. Are Irish or Australian accents better? AUSTRALIAN! *goes to think of Chase*:P Irish is cool, but Australian is hot.:P

07. Would you prefer to be eaten alive by Lions or Vultures? Ehm, do you mind me correcting you? Vultures are scavengers, they don't eat live animals. They circle around in the sky and wait until you drop dead. So technically I wouldn't be eaten alive, and since I am not too fond of being eaten alive, I'll choose the vultures.

08. Muse or My Chemical Romance? I don't know. Does it matter? Will the world collapse if I don't choose?

09. Do you own any beads? Hm. I'm not exactly sure of what it is, so I'll say no:P

10. Hot pink or lime green? Lime green, because I don't want to fit in a girly stereotype. Plus, it's so much cooler.

11. Do you own your own mini library? :D ME LOVE READING!

12. Are spin-tops cool? Oh! I played with them when I was younger! I made my own sometimes too.:D

13. Do you have a Seal called Pickles? Do you have one? Can I have it in that case? I love seals:D They sound so cute! *claps flippers* Uoh ouh!

14. Do you prefer Dragons or Unicorns? Dragons. Dragons are too cool for the world, that's why they don't exist; because the world is not ready. They are like us, The Wendy Bunch. Dragon's breathe fire, what can unicorns do?

15. What the name of the little elephant in the Jungle Book? His name is Junior. I like him, but not as much as his dad, Colonel Hathi. "Elephants never forget":lol: Yeah, right!:roll:

16. Do you have Green eyes? No I don't. Mine are blue.

17. Do you have your lip pierced? No. I don't want to either:?

18. Are snakes cool? Yes. Very. They are incredibly interesting animals. Did you know that people who are allergic to horses can't get treated with antivenin when bit? Or that "sidewinding" costs less than 1/3 calories as when going normally?:D
It's a strange feeling petting a snake, they feel different from what you expect.

19. Do you know where Cyrenaica is? In Libya.

20. Who plays the Emperor in the film Gladiator? I have never seen the movie, but I think it's Joaquin Phoenix.

21. What's your favorite Disney film? Oh, toughie. I may not like Disney and what they are doing to all of the old, lovely characters and the movies made be them nowadays are just abysmal, but I love the old, REAL Disney movies. You might have figured out I like the Jungle book:P But I like The Lion King very much.:D Pinocchio is very sweet too, but my all time favourite is Dumbo. I watched it millions of times! Such a nice movie.

22. Tigger or Eeyore? Eeyore. He's just too cute.

23. Converse All Star or Vans? I really don't own any of them.

24. Did Amanda Burton star in Silent Witness or Waking the Dead? I don't know. Can I guess? Is it... Silent witness? I don't know:P

25. Which Harry Potter actor/actresses do you prefer; Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton or Emma Watson? I only read the first book and I got bored so I didn't watch the movies. I still know who they are though, except for the "Tom Felton" guy. I can say him because he must be feeling all alone.

26. Are you a "Chav"? No. I am the opposite of it, whatever that is. But please, don't get me started on them, I'm not even half way through this and I can't get stuck here! Let's just put it this way: Ellen + Chav = Fight ending with Chav standing like a question mark from overload of words it can't understand.

27. Do you agree that Clacton is "Chav" central? It would be unfair for me to say something considering I have no idea where the flip that is.

28. Have you ever watched Complete Savages on Nickelodeon? No, I have not. However, I know that one of the guys who created it, is named Scully.:D Yes, I am that much of a dork.

29. Have you ever read The Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix? No I have not. Is it any good?

30. Do you like the name Mohamed? It's pretty powerful I think, wouldn't like to be named it though.

31. Do you sleep with a comfort blanket/toy? No, I hug one of my pillows.:P

32. Do you think Dumbledore is actually dead? Again, haven't read the books and I am not interested in the films either. But if it says so, it's true. Get over it, worry about bigger problems instead. Unless Dumbledore held the key to world peace, stop obsessing and think about that instead.

33. Sid the Sloth rocks, yes or no? Wouldn't know.

34. The Snorks or the Smurfs? Smurfs I guess. Blue is a darn nice color.

35. Do you know anyone called Penelope? Do you mean know "know" or just know of someone called Penelope? It's a very pretty name though.

36. Dick Darstardly or Mutley? Dick, because I can't think of another name than that while taking this quiz.

37. Have you heard the theme tune to CSI: New York? Out here in the fields, I fight for me meals; I get my back into my living.

38. Do you often remember your dreams? No:( I want to though. I do it better during the summers when I can sleep until I wake up myself, so soon I might get some jackpots!:D

39. Do you like Anime? No, even less now since Leila scarred me with mental images of something very creepy. *shudders* Trust me, you do not want to know!

40. Do you like Pokemon? I did when I was younger. It's good I guess.

41. Horror, Thriller, Romance or Comedy films? Hm. I'd say thriller most of the times, but sometimes I feel for a romance or comedy too. I do not like horror though. They scare me, and I'm a chicken. I ran away screaming after 30 minutes of the shining, I swore never to watch a horror film again after that.:P All work and no play makes Ellen a dull girl.

42. Have you ever been labelled a "Nerd"? Yes, everyday since the first day of school. I am digging it though. It's funny how they make fun of me but keep crawling back for answers when it goes wrong. Suckers. They're not mean though, they know I'd just win if we got into an argument.

43. Have you ever called someone a word that they don't want to hear? Yeah. I'm a human.

44. Are you a Myspace addict? No. Lillypad tried but failed. I am happy with everything as it is. I don't need another addiction to distract me from my current.:D

45. Minnie or Mickey mouse? Mickey. Mickey is too girly already, we don't need more!

46. Do you agree with Abortion? I do. It's better to legalize it because it will happen anyway. Thousands of girls die every year because of post-op infections from illegal abortions; they would be alive if they could do it in a controlled and secure manner.

47. Do you have a favorite swear words, if so what? F*ck, f*cked,. F*cking, and everything else containing the word "F*ck"

48. What's your favorite thing about yourself? My curiousness and need to learn.

49. Money or Love? Love. Money corrupts.

50. Are you Bisexual? No.

51. Favorite make-up product? I don't wear make-up.

52. Most recent, embarrassing moment? Oh my. I do a lot of embarrassing things. Well most recent, let me check... Ok, I got one. It was when we were on our way home from Lidö and on our way there we had all this food, remember I told you about it not being a shop there? Well, now the food was out, but on the way there we had taken my bro's old stroller to ease the carrying. Well at night coming home from the city there are a lot of people, and you know how everyone just instantly moves if you have a baby? We took advantage of that fact.:P So I put the shade down and put a pair of boots and placed them so that they stuck out. It went great, Everyone gave room to us when we were coming. But then, I slipped. I slipped with the stroller and some ran up to us and was like "Is the baby ok!?" and then they saw there were just backpacks and stuff in there.:P I stood there like "sh!t". That was pretty embarrassing:P

53. OMFG! Murphy got shot! Do you care? Well, if he was a real guy on the street, yes.

54. Do you support a football team? No.

55. Do you know how to play Chess? Of course. You will brake my already let down heart if you tell me everyone don't know how.

56. Do you like the film "Miss Congeniality 2"? I haven't seen it and I have no intentions to either.

57. Do you like the "Whiskers, Oh So Fishy" Advert? I don't think I have seen it. Maybe in Swedish.

58. Do you reckon you have no friends? I have you don't I?:)

59. You like Smirn Off Ice? I am confused. What is that?

60. Do you like the song "Everytime we touch" by Cascada? No. Worst thing I have ever heard.

See. I even completed it!:P And with a push from Leila and Feather I am now pulling the Lil. Yes, I know. What a grand start on my quiz carrier! Well congratulations. You have now made me cry again. This is the 3rd night in a row.:| But because I apparentöy can't post a blog with more than 20 000 characters, I had to post it in LJ and link it. Hm, curious. Well, here you go. I love you all!

And House quote! I know I should be happy, but I just watched "Wilson's heart" and I am devastated.:(
House:(Talking about *gulp* Amber) I take it back, she's not like me! She's a needy version of me!
Wilson:... Hard to imagine such a mythological creature.

The end. Comment me green and *licks* for all of you!