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Really, and how does that make you feel?

Hey all!:D

Just a short one to tell you what I've been up to. Today I was at a marriage counsellor! :lol: For my project in school about love. We're doing "How to create agood relationship" :P And yesterday I watched CSI, it was "Goodbye and goodluck"!:cry: As I did last time, I cried like a baby. But I was kinda out of tears and emotions after my attack yesterday!:lol: I lost it at one of my cl-ssmates! Here is the story: My mum was adopted, but her biological parents were Jews. And since my mother is Jewish, legally that makes me Jewish too. I don't know, that's just how it is.*shrugs* Anyway. It was right before my Spanish cl-ss and I was just sitting and waiting; minding my own business. It was a fight going on just outside of the cl-ssroom, but I didn't bother to check why. This guy in my cl-ss storms off, but then all of sudden, I hear him calling the guys he's fighting with "F*cking Jews!" and I just loose it. I fly out of my chair and storms up to him and just, "What the h*ll do you think you're saying!?!" He looks at me saying "what they always tease me cuz I'm from Norway." in a joking way. I scream right to his face, "How can you compare Norwegians to Jews!? How the f*ck can you compare Oslo to Auschwitz?! Norwegians wasn't suppressed for decades and forced to hide in tiny little cellars, gassed to death because of their mere origin! You are so insensitive! I may not have known anyone killed in the war, but that doesn't make what you just said the tiniest less horrible!"

After the cl-ss he came up to me and apologized, I had never seen him apologize in his whole life before. He's one of those guys that can't. So now I'm not mad at him anymore, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten!:evil:

Anyways... I miss you guys! It's lonely without you!*cries*