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The sun and the moon, an ocean of air, so many voices, but nothing is there

Hello poopyheads!:D

I AM NOW OFFICALLY A FREE WOMAN!:D Now I am out of school for 19 days8)
My list of things to do:

  • Sleep. At least try. I am still having trouble.:? I've slept for less than 4 hours a night for almost two weeks and I don't know why I wake up:(

  • Read. Long list of books to read:twisted:

  • Go to the library to return borrowed books.:P They're late:lol:


  • Bake christmas-y stuff. Swedish christmas-y stuff, I might add, but we'll get to that later. Yes, I am still trying to get into Christmas mood. Failing so far...:oops:

  • Go to a 'party' with my mums friends and drink Julmust:P It's a type of Swedish drink commonly drunken around Christmas and Easter. For those of you who are interested--> Julmust . LOL "Those outside Sweden who are curious to try julmust might be able to purchase and sample a bottle from a nearby IKEA store." Typically Swedish:lol: Wow, aren't I stereotypical!:P

  • Possibly do something with old friend.

  • Clean my room. The christmas cleaning *sigh *

  • Run. Aww, how nice to have time for that.

So yes, freedom is upon me!:P Anyway, last day, I arrived to school 15 minutes early to catch my music teacher. Me and my friend had talked to him about videotaping the annual Christmas play. We did. Every year the teachers in my school do this, and it's just as embarrassing each time!:lol:
They do Disney cl*ssics and often they mock us, the students, in them, and even in the presentations and stuff:P Like for example, this years Ferdinand the bull, Ferdinand sat and texted instead of smelling flowers:roll: People do that in school. And yes, I am a bad girl, I've done it too:oops::lol:

Then I got my grades:|

I got 12/16 MVGs and the rest VGs!:o:D For those of you who missed my long and overly complicated blog, or just said 'screw this awful wall of text' about our grading system, an MVG is the best, a VG comes second and then comes a G. If you fail you get and IG.

Swedish: MVG
English: MVG
Spanish: MVG
Biology: MVG
Chemistry: MVG
Physics: MVG
History: MVG
Georaphy: MVG
Society: MVG
Math: MVG
Technique: VG ( I actually got MVG but they only refresh this grade once a year instead of once a semester:roll: )
Textiles: VG (You know how I told you she'd lower me? Well I have no idea, but I think she forgot to go into the database and change it!:lol::cry::lol: WTF?!:lol: )
Art: VG
Home (I dunno what to call this, basically it's cooking, cleaning and organizing and stuff): VG

It's a good grade, yes. But choosing new schools for next year and all that is still bothering me. It's hard to know what I want to do. Even though I've had a plan since I was 11, now when I can get it started, I freak out. Go me.

Pic of the gingerbread houses. I'mma begin with ours so that it looks less crappy compared to the others. I am not kidding, people actually rock at this.

sThe Animal farm, with the marsipan animals!

qThe slaghter! Yes, we're apperantly barbaric:P

Napoleon, the evil pig. *psst* I made him;):lol: notice the little belly button:P

Snowball, aww.

Here are the other, awesome, ones:P



LOL there is the crashing plane I told you about:lol: See, we're not THAT barbaric:P




Damn those people:P:P See what I mean?:lol: *kicks*

So the 24th we celebrated Christmas, cuz we're freaks and do that here, and HA! I got Hugh Laurie's The Gun Seller (LMAO it rocks!) a collectors edition of Sherlock Holmes(I. Frikkin. Love. Doyle.), my favourite book that I had lost:oops: called When Nietzsche Wept:D( READ IT! BTW Lil, how is that coming along?:P), an Ipod!:D, an awesome jacket, a warm sweater, running gear thingy, and then I got the second Harry Potter book cuz I haven't read HP yet:lol: But hey, in my defence, they came out while I was reading LOTR so I only read the first one and then I was like 'WTF is this sh!t where are the orchs?' so...:P But now I'm catching up;) Oh, and we got an electrical piano.8)

... I went ice skating (and no Charlie, I am not good at it:P) It was fun. Yeah. Today we went to eat at a resturant. LOL. Dad threw fruit at sis and started a food fight, lucky we sat in the back so no one saw us:P I got rice in my glass, damn:lol: Speaking of dad:roll: Look, what he made!


Me and bro:*sitting and baking gingerbread*
Dad: So, can you do whatever you want?
Me: Yes dad, you just take the knife and cut.:roll:
Dad: *
rolls it together instead and makes 'the christmas dick'*
Bro: *laughs*

There is something seriously wrong with my old man:lol:

What more? Oh yeah. WTF DO YOU PEOPLE EAT AT CHRISTMAS!? Ok, rant over. I haven't really given it much thought before but now I'm sitting and thinking,

Julmust, Swedish.

Ischoklad, Swedish.

Lussekatter, Swedish.

Janssons frestelse, Swedish.

Knäck, Swedish.

Meatballs, Swedish.

Like even the ham is special and all that jazz.

What do you do at Christmas where you live? Do you do anything special? You have any fun traditions?:D

That's all from me. As y'all probably know by now, I usually include my little House quote here in the ending, but since I am currently reading a certain book written by a certain man who reminds me of this certain series, I'mma include a quote from this certain book instead:P

"Because what does it mean, to say things aren't going well? Compared to what? You can say: compared to how things were going a couple of hours ago, or a couple of years ago. But that's not the point. If two cars are speeding towards a brick wall with no brakes, and one car hits the wall moments before the other, you can't spend those moments saying that the second car is better off than the first.
Death and disaster are at our shoulders every second of our lives, trying to get at us. Missing, a lot of the time. A lot of miles on the motorway without a front wheel blow-out. A lot of viruses that slither through our bodies without snagging. A lot of pianos that fall a minute after we've passed. Or a month, it makes no difference.
So unless were going to get down on our knees and give thanks every time disaster misses, it makes no sense to moan when it strikes. Us, or anyone else. Because we're not comparing it with anything.
And anyway, we're all dead, or never born, and the whole thing is really a dream.

There, you see. That's the funny side."

I love Hugh Laurie. Yes. :lol: