All right. Can't believe I'm doing this. Never been the diary or blog person, but this just felt right. I'm new to this, so please, don't hate me or chase me down with a knife... :oops:
What do you write in a blog? You guys are such naturals! Maybe I should begin by telling you a little about myself. Well, I am a 15-year-old girl from a country in northern Europe called Sweden. I was born in the capital, Stockholm, and I still live there. My parents are divorced, but I'm not sad they separated. I'm happy they did. They get along better now then they ever did before and we can still hang out and have fun the whole family. I have two siblings, a little sister who is 13 and a little brother who is 7. I'm a very private and independent person, and I have great difficulties getting close with people. I'm a loner, I'm fine with that. But I do have two really close friends that I highly treasure.:) They know me better then anyone, probably even my parents. That's usually the case, I get along great with everyone on a certain basis, but I let extremely few people in. I push people away. I enjoy being alone, to go several days straight without talking to a soul is amazing. I love reading, and read almost everything. I love imagining somewhere and something else then the real world, which I think is the reason I love watching TV and read. After a while all the problems, duties and stress disappear. Their world is yours and yours is theirs, and everything revolves around you, together. This is the feeling I'm looking for in a show or book. As weird as it sounds, I like learning new, random and often totally useless facts. This is why I also read books like Guinness world of records, dictionaries and atlas's. It's sort of a hobby of mine.:D I play soccer and I have been since I was about 10. Despite that, I suck. In fact, my whole team suck,:lol: but that's not why I play. We have so much fun together, that's why I keep showing up for practice.
Phobias? I got them. I am deadly afraid of needles, and had to get drugged up with laughing gas when taking the obligatory shots. Bugs, even though I'm very curious about them, Jack Nicholson, drunk people and people scraping their tongue. I know that last one sounds weird and well, it is. :lol:My dad has always teased me about thinking everything is gross all the time, so he decided to scrape his tongue in front of me because I always wanted to puke when I saw someone do it. He did it, I screamed, he chased after me, I cried etc. etc... :roll:I don't want my dad to come off as some kind of fruitcake here, but it has always been like this. He's got a severe case of ADHD and even though he sometimes acts weird, disgusting, annoying and different we have a lot of fun and I love him to bits. It makes him who he is, and his not always like that y'know!:lol:
Now you know a bit more about me, maybe a little too much?:P And what patience you have if you read it all! But, please, post me a comment! Just sneak a peak and come say hi, okay? It'll mean a lot to a newbie!:)