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Your time has come

The truth is out there!...Oh right. Not watching the X-Files, I am blogging... Yes, blogging...

Some of my dear friends could use a cheer up. Going around your blogs saddens me, so this is my attempt to bring a smile to your faces! I have composed a list of deaths. (It gets better, I promise! LOL!) A list of unusual deaths. So here, read and enjoy, it is actually hilarious!:lol: Oh yeah, creepy little me...:P

458 BC: Aeschylus, Greek playwright, was killed when an eagle dropped a live tortoise on him, mistaking his bald head for a stone. (LMFAO!:lol: )The tortoise survived though. (Yay for the tortoise!:P)

207 BC: Chrysippus a Greek stoic philosopher is believed to have died of laughter after watching his drunken donkey attempt to eat figs. (Oh wow, for someone with such a high status and intelligence, he doesn't have a very mature humour:| )

336: Arius, the heretical priest who precipitated the Council of Nicea, farted and evacuated his internal organs. (WTF?!:lol: )

1601: Tycho Brahe, according to legend, died of complications resulting from a strained bladder at a banquet. It would have been extremely bad etiquette to leave the table before the meal was finished, so he stayed until he became fatally ill. (See now girls why I randomly shout "Don't pull a Brahe" in the middle of our MSN convo's when you don't go pee?:P)

2007: Jennifer Strange, a 28-year-old woman from Sacramento, died of water intoxication while trying to win a Wii console in a KDND 107.9 "The End" radio station's "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" contest, which involved drinking large quantities of water without urinating.(:| ... But what do you expect from someone with "Strange" as a surname?:lol: )

2005: 28-year-old South Korean, Lee Seung Seop, collapsed of fatigue and died after playing StarCraft for almost 50 consecutive hours in an Internet cafe. (That's dedication!)

1973: Bruce Lee, a martial arts actor, is thought to have died by a severe allergic reaction to Equagesic. His brain had swollen about 13%. His autopsy was written as "death by misadventure." (Oh wow, the irony!:roll: )

1993: Garry Hoy, a Toronto lawyer, fell to his death after he threw himself through the glass wall on the 24th floor of the Toronto-Dominion Centre in order to prove the glass was "unbreakable." (He should have tested with a dummy first, huh?:roll: )

Yeah. That was weird.

Then we have the X-Files reference blog. Here I have the list of all the references:

  1. The song. "David Duchovny why, won't you love me?" - Bree Sharp. Listen here, it's very obsessive, why do you think I like it so much?:P
  2. Poopyheads. Mentioned by Scully in the episode"Arcadia" S6.
  3. Mr X. Mulder and Scully's secret informant in the earlier seasons. But only because Deep Throat died:( I miss him. Well Mr X dies too, but still you know. I liked DT...
  4. Samantha. Mulder's abducted sister. A recurring theme in the series.
  5. Gender bender. Episode in S1.
  6. Believe the lies. One of the many taglines. Also used "Gethsemane" in the theme sequence.
  7. 11/21. As Char said, many meanings but very X-Filish. I would include a list, but do you really want it?:P
  8. Sure, fine, whatever. Mentioned by Scully a few times, and then Mulder gets back at her and says it himself, very funny.
  9. Rat boy. Nickname for Alex Krycek. "Krysa" is also Russian for "rat".
  10. Sun flower seeds. Mulder's favourite snacks that he can be seen eaten on various occasions.
  11. The truth is out there. The most famous one of the taglines in the X-Files.
  12. Plane 9 from outer space. Mulder's least favourite movie. He uses it in his work when he can't come up with a good explanation in a case. He states that it is so horribly bad that it takes away all the common knowledge and logic and numbs the brain, and it makes him open his mind. But it works apperantly!:lol:
  13. Basements. The X-Files office is located in the basement of the FBI building in D.C. And Mulder spends a lot of time there and/or in other basements.
  14. Morley's. No, I don't smoke. CSM (Cigarette smoking man) smokes them. Fictional brand, but it has become a recurring theme in pop culture. It was actually used in an episode of CSI:NY recently. Ol' Smokey smokes them and it would be unfair to say that he smokes a lot. He does it in every scene he is in.
  15. Rain king. Episode of the X-Files S6.
  16. Deny everything. Tagline and used in "Ascension" in the theme sequence.
  17. I want to believe. The second most famous tagline. Also the name of the new film.
  18. Everything dies. Tagline and used in the theme sequence of "Herrenvolk".
  19. Elvis is dead. A recurring theme in the X-Files. Mulder believes he is still alive, the "only one to have pulled it (fake his own death) off."
  20. Trust no one. Tagline and theme sequence text in the episode "The Erlenmeyer Flask".
  21. The time of the blog being posted, 7.31. 731 being an episode in the 3rd season.

Here is the score:

Char: 16p
Jennie: 8p
Feather: 7p
Boo: 5p
GiX_MiX(I dunno if you realized that you got one just dropping in like that:P) Kiks:1p
Leila, Empire, Lil, Kiera: 0p (Now, go sit in the naughty corner:P I don't care if you don't watch it:P)

So, congratulations to Char!:D Very good work! Here is your price m'dear, steal away:twisted:
ga gadd ga dd msr

Mm hm. So yeah, House quote! House is in da house!:D:D:P
House:(about Jeff) Is he Canadian?
Dr. Cameron: He is a low priority.
House: Is that a yes?

Yes poopyheads, end of the blog. Going to mums tomorrow, well today technically, but whatever. I will miss you loads. *hugs**licks* Comment and spam me green!