[QUOTE="kijogigo"] make weather random everywhere, and make it more useful during battleHegna1You obviously have never played against a good hail, rain, or Trick Room (or sun or gravity, but those are a lot harder to work with) player, have you? 5 turns of Rain can devastate a whole team if unprepared. Walrein can stall 32 or more turns in hail, wiping out at least 2 Pokemon, possibly 3 after Rocks. 5 turns of Trick Room causes tons of pain, especially when your fast frail sweepers are useless. Weather effects are devastating when used properly. For Goodness sake, don't just ask for a harder game. Play against competent battlers for an actual challenge. Let it rest guys. Some ideas are nice, but impractical, and others are just game-breaking. Not everyone wants to play online with other people you know. Is it bad to want a Pokemon game to be more of a challenge? Obviously it'd be hard to make the game like you're playing against a real person but it can be made so it's not as easy. Right now, all it takes is to have a Pokemon that knows the right moves and you can sweep through a gym or even the Elite Four with ease.
Elias_Vaughn's forum posts
[QUOTE="Elias_Vaughn"]The Beast Era 1996-2001 - Beast Wars/Beast MachinesFunkyhamster
You liked Beast Machines? I thought that a lot of the characters were a little too weird... :?
While I don't like what they did to some of the characters I do find the overall story arc to be very good. Especially now after seeing the shows that followed. I wasn't the hugest fan of BM at the time it was on and I still consider BW the best Transformers series but BM takes second place easily. Look past the characters and you'll see a show that is very mature and engrossing. Of course, many people can't do that to this day unfortunately.
You cannot blame the consoles reliability downfalls for where its built. The only people you CAN blame are the people who design it.
But, Ive just this minute packed up my launch console to get sent to MS for repair. This is the 2nd time its happened to me. What a joke.
Actually, you can. If what's been reported on recent safety issues with stuff from China is anything to go by, they're using cheaper alternatives at times. Don't dismiss it so quickly. It IS possible, just not very likely.
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