I finished the first of the Splinter Cell games and I may advance to the next if I want and finding copies is usually a trick sometimes. As frustrating as it got, there were good moments and things you just had to laugh at eventually no matter how annoyed you got with the situation. I ran out of SC-20K ammo trying to fight off the remainder of the guards before getting outside. Some would call that foolish, but I went into the library with a near full clip. I clipped them with fewer shots than ever. I used ammo conservation as the lights were going to shut off later anyway. The floppy accent soldier counting down was my way of saying zero whack. His buddies followed me to the corner behind the huge stack of boxes but I got rid of them. The last guard in the library on the way out was a doozy as I spent the last of my shots trying to get him as he came too fast after detecting me.
I set off only one alarm in the entire last mission, darn lasers should have looked, but oh well. I snuck pass the remainder after plugging the guard earlier before the library. Any flashback to now outside so I climb the pipe near the ledge opening. Ammo sitting there waiting for me, so I quickly load in only to find the gun has to reset, which takes less than ten seconds. I set the scope and aim for the back of his head as he stands there. Time is of the essence, hit the trigger, the bullet flies, the body falls, and he is dead. My escape follows as I take out the two guards on the same level as me now followed by the three in the interrior. I avoided the one downstairs in the yard completely.
The last obstacles are gone and I exit the Palace for extraction. I take my leave and silent thanks of saving countless lives without reward. Its not about rewards, its about doing what you must do, pay it forward in a way so it ends with Fisher and his daughter watching the news on the boat. Lambert calls, another mission so soon? The job is never done, but at least they will have this time to themselves. I was highly amused by the interviews in the extras especially Sam's remark about a sequel....
at least I can say is I finished Splinter Cell as a friend of mine couldn't believe how I gave up early on months ago, but I came with a vengenance to finish what I began... I don't leave things undone forever.