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ElissaCojuangco Blog

Facebook Games?

Hey everyone, I'm looking for people to play with on Facebook! Please send me a PM if you're interested on adding me as a Facebook buddy. Race as fast as lightning in Speed Club! Select from a variety of world class sports cars and race to victory and prominence in the world of street racing. Complete quests and earn cash to beautify your car and upgrade its performance. Play Now!

TES: Skyrim and Speed Club

I never really played The Elder Scrolls - neither Morrowind nor Oblivion - even though a lot of my friends have been telling me to play those games. I was never a fan of TES's first-person POV, which was probably the main reason I didn't buy those games. I like games where I see my characters a lot since I'm into character customization. I downloaded a lot of mods for games like Neverwinter, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 just to modify my character's appearajnce, but seeing the TES:Skyrim trailer made me change my mind. I'm waiting eagerly for it, perhaps even more so than Diablo III. Anyway, a bit of a shameless plug since I'm looking for people who are into Facebook games. I'm playing a game called Speed Club, and I was hoping to have more gaming buddies: Just please send me a PM if anyone's interested! Then I'll add you on Facebook! :)