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TES: Skyrim and Speed Club

I never really played The Elder Scrolls - neither Morrowind nor Oblivion - even though a lot of my friends have been telling me to play those games. I was never a fan of TES's first-person POV, which was probably the main reason I didn't buy those games. I like games where I see my characters a lot since I'm into character customization. I downloaded a lot of mods for games like Neverwinter, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 just to modify my character's appearajnce, but seeing the TES:Skyrim trailer made me change my mind. I'm waiting eagerly for it, perhaps even more so than Diablo III. Anyway, a bit of a shameless plug since I'm looking for people who are into Facebook games. I'm playing a game called Speed Club, and I was hoping to have more gaming buddies: Just please send me a PM if anyone's interested! Then I'll add you on Facebook! :)