EliteDForce Blog
by EliteDForce on Comments
When someone review's a game they say "Best Game Ever!" then give a relatively low review like 8.9. I hope the best game ever doesn't amount to a 8.9.
Or the forum's, if someone brings up something old or asks a simple question everyone jumps the boat and scolds them with legitimate offense. Like the person just shot their foot with the question.
That is all for now.
2005 In Review
by EliteDForce on Comments
2005 was a year of some exciting release's, some great game's, some huge disappointment's like any other year. It featured two amazing game's, resident evil 4 as well as God of War and was a wonderful year for DS Owner's. The gamecube had a dry year with the exception of Resident Evil 4, and Zelda slipped into 2006 as well as Metroid Prime Hunters. With all that said, here is my top list's, know that i did it off of what i was personally exposed to or bought this year, not what was released this year (though quite a bit of it was 2005 release's)
Top 3 Company's
3. Midway
Releasing one of the best mortal kombat's yet as well as Blitz : League, Midway had a intresting year of a few good title's.
2. Capcom
With a constant huge title's, including the amazing Resident Evil 4, unique Killer 7 among other unique interesting and innovative title's, Capcom delivered many fun title's this year.
1. Nintendo
Although there Gamecube line up was weaker than usual, they ultimately delivered many great game's. Mario & Luigi, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart DS, Nintendog's, Super Mario Striker's and many other high profile title's that turned out to be fun game's.
5 Worst Game's
5. Yoshi Touch & Go
4. Spider Man 2 (DS)
3. Yu Yu Hakashu (sp?) Spirit Detective
2. 187 Ride or Die
1. Elf Bowling 1 & 2
4 Biggest Disappointment's
4. Hot Coffe Mod Effect on Gaming
3. No New Super Mario Bro's
2. MP : Hunter's Delay
1.LoZ : TP Delay
Most Used System's
1. Gamecube
2. Nintendo DS
3. PS2
4. GBA
5. PSP
Top 15 Game's
1. Resident Evil 4 (GC)
2. Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker (GC)
3. Mario & Luigi : Partners In Time (DS)
4. God of War (PS2)
5. Animal Crossing (DS)
6. Star Wars : Battlefront 2 (PS2)
7. Metroid Prime 2 : Echo's (GC)
8. Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
9. Super Mario Striker's (GC)
10. Mortal Kombat : Shaolin Monk's (PS2)
11. Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow (DS)
12. Alien Hominid (GC)
13. Geist (GC)
14. Mario Power Tenis (GC)
15. Area 51 (PS2)
System Rating
PS2 - 7/10
The PS2 had its higher moment's and some relativley weaker moment's throughout the year.
System Highlight : God of War
Gamecube - 7/10
One of the gamecube's weakest year's personally, not without some flair though.
System Highlight : Resident Evil 4
Nintendo DS - 10/10
With many thrilling release's one after another as well as Wi Fi this year, Nintendo DS had a far better year than its debut year.
System Highlight - Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time, Animal Crossing : Wild World
Thank you for reading my self-promoting babble.
by EliteDForce on Comments
In means of erasing yonder message thout hath been inclined to release this pointless waste of your time, i apologize.
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