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A New Generation, A New Herald!

Greetings to any and all, and welcome to what will eventually/hopefully be a rather expansive collection of videogame-centric musings and ramblings from my slightly unstable yet ever intrepid mind! Countless have been the times I've sat about doing something or the other, not necessarily gaming related, and the odd thought or phrase has leapt into my mind as if I should write it in a column or something of the sort. Whilst I don't claim to have the quality of writing that the majority of columnists have (unless they are in printed tripe like Heat! or Touch! etc.) nonetheless I do enjoy having the occasional ramble and rant about the state of affairs in the gaming world, whilst also analysing and reviewing my latest game purchases and completions.

As such I've opened this blog to complement the review I have began posting, and will hopefully contribute here on a regular basis, covering a wide variety of topics, including my annual Ellythrion awards, where I award the best in games I have played over the past year (I also cover TV and Film, but will leave that for elsewhere).

Anyway, as blog openings and introductions go, that one was pretty sucky, so hopefully things will get better here soon! I can't say when my next post will be or what it will be on (my guess is it will probably wander almost aimlessly through a variety of topics), but seeing as I recently purchased a PS3, I'm guessing it will probably be tackling all the questions surrounding the machine - 'is it worth the price?', 'what are the numerous media functions like' etc.

Till then, I hope you enjoy reading the reviews I've posted so far. At the moment only Final Fantasy 12, God of War 2 and Shadow of the Colossus are up and running, but they are pretty expansive reviews and all for excellent games. I'm a fairly kind reviewer, and usually allow the score to speak for itself, but rarely if ever will a game escape getting a paragraph or two on its flaws in my reviews. Also, I rarely throw the BIG scores (9.8-10) out without some serious consideration and love for the game.

With that all said, I look forward to posting on here soon and reading your comments on my reviews etc (if you can leave any? I'm new to this gamespot blog business!).
