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#1 Elmo-Korvo
Member since 2004 • 25 Posts

GTA belongs on the PC if you ask me. I never quite got why it is so popular on consoles, I mean, to me at least, shooting is sort of awkward with a controller instead of a mouse. And about a half of GTA is about shooting.

I just hope there won't be too long between release for consoles and PC's.


Yeah I totally agree, and it makes me go insane when I see a PC GAME! being released on crappyconsoles before PC itself.
Thisbsall started with GTA III.
How can you aim with a controller anyway? it's just ridiculous...

But GTA IV will be on PC shortly after console release date as always, that's for sure, if they let down PC gamers(which gave themthe chance to be where they are today)they're a bunch of clowns.

I totally agree with everything you said. The only thing that works together with consoles is non-shooting games, and that means pretty much just driving games. And of course some others.

Can you imagine this guys: The next Half Life game being released on a console one year before the PC release...

The horrific thought almost makes me cry.

I cried in bed, each night for 5 weeks when I thought San Andreas wasn't coming out for the PC. .... Don't laugh.... It's not funny... I even made imaginary hate/begging - voice memos to Rockstar Games. I naturally never sent them though.

I'm ..... uh.. not a christian, but uhm... Let's pray for a GTA IV PC Version.