Eman810's forum posts
oh alright...well nevermind that, cause i plan on getting a fairly decent videocard...as far as the powersupply goes, thanks for the link, 450W should be plenty sufficient, if i were to get a 8800gts card?
EDIT: I do have a TV in my room, but it's only 17" (I think...2" smaller than PC monitor) and it's just a standard TV....but as mentioned before, it's not necessarily a selling point, if the setup is otherwise decent....it's also important to note that I got my eyes set on getting a PC from Circuit City, as i also have a couple hundred in gift cards accumulated over the past few years
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
400GB hard drive
3GB of DDR2 memory
Burns DVDs and CDs
Windows Vista Home Premium
It's $880 and my pops is going 1/2 with me, for my christmas gift (But we getting it now).It comes with ahorrible graphics card, but at the moment i have no PC (mine took a s***, so im on friends PC), so i was thinking about just getting this, and than picking up a 8800gts or whatever when theprice comes down a little. So for me...with the graphics card, it's only gonna run me like $700-$800...is this a good buy? I read a few reviews, and the only complaint is a lack of any extra PCI slots, but is this a problem? what are PCI slots used for? sorry for my noobness. I heard people telling me i could buy a good PC cheaper, but I'm just too computer illiterate to do it (not to mention, i saw that processor and motherboard on tigerdirect for $500-$600 alone)
waiting for all them titles, i have a 360 and a ps3, and i have full knowledgement of the ps3's potential, but i got it on christmas, and still have only Madden for it :-\ ....nothing really caught my attention yet, but all them titles you mentioned look like must buys....mostly MGS4 (although i havent played a MG since the original, and dont remember much)....but before all of them, i cant wait for Ninja Gaiden! my 2nd ps3 game it shall be!
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