How the hell can you blame a video game for violence? There has always been violence, there has never always been video games. Maybe we should blame war for violence or blame our own inhibitions. Maybe we should blame the folk that try and censor us from life and control what we see and do, because it is that that makes us angry, not a video game. Maybe we should blame the governments for creating an environment, society and world that makes people do such things. It's like a parent blaming their child for being violent because they play video games or they play with some army soldier toys but then use violence against their children and create a violent and hostile environment for their child to live in. None of these people really blame video games, they are just looking for an escape goat and want to censor and control us. If violent video games really make us violent, then if this senator guy was to play some video games, he'd suddenly become a violent person? Or is he exempt from this? Is he better than that but the rest of us aren't? Trying to blame video games, so low and pathetic, because all nerds and geeks are violent and dangerous,'s their well known trait...seriously....
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