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Not really.

I'll be attending the Academy of Art soon...


...if, like, I wanna, like, u no? like...

Fine Art, Illustration, Motion Pictures & Television, Sculpture?


Other than that, my friend bought an Xbox360 three days ago.

It rules. Just wish my internet connection reached the living room.
Gears of War - OWNS - beat in 3 days on and off in Hardcore difficulty (normal)

Project Gotham Racing 3 - SWEET! - Pretty fun racing, kinda waaaaay too hard for me. I like Arcade racing with RACING, not drifting and kudos :(

Perfect Dark Zero - UHhh.... I played the first training mission then turned it off .... something about it makes me sick.

The achivements stuff is pretty cool, but nothing I'm going to go crazy for...

.... until I get online... O.O

Peace, dawgies.