EmperorJasper's forum posts
1. Short Introduction: Yo.
2. GS Name: EmperorJasper
3: Real Name: Alex
4: Position in FFE: Recruit
5: Gender: Male
6: Date of Birth: *secret*
7: Place of Birth: Jakarta, Indonesia
8: Height: *secret*
9: Weight: *secret*
10: Ethnicity: Javanese (hey, i'm from Indonesia)
11: Current Location of Residence: Jakarta, Indonesia
12: Religion: ...Islam *hides in a bunker*
13: Job: Currently none
14. Personality: Snarky, sarcastic
15. Habits/Mannerisms: Doesn't talk much.
16: Girl/Boyfriends: None.
17: Pets: A rabbit named Kirby.
18: What Do You Look For In A Person: good sense of humor, understanding, optimism.
19: What Do You Look Away from in a Person: (Sorry for my language) J*****ery
20: Consoles Owned: GBA, DS(i XL), PSP, Wii, PS2
21: How Long Have you Played Games: Since i've gotten my GBA (2006)
22: Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: III, IV, VI, XII
23: If you could be any FF character which one would you choose: Squall.
24: How long have you been on GameSpot: Since yesterday! (Yes, seriously)
25: Fave musical instrument: Drums.
26: Games in General: Rail shooters (House of the Dead, Time Crisis etc.), JRPGs, Racing games
27: FF Game: VI
28: Consoles: DS, PSP, Wii, PS (all three of them)
29: Movies: None in general.
30: TV Shows: None in general. I used to watch Spongebob though XD
31: Food: Fried rice
32: Color: Blue, Gold, Black
33: Music: Pop, Rock, Classic
34: Place of Travel: Bali, Singapore
Interests/Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Photography (including PhotoShop)
Contact Information: I'm mostly active here and in Fanfiction.net (Pen name: The World type BETA). Just PM me and i'll reply ASAP.
Other: I'm tall.
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