sonic the hedge hog8), amy rose:oops:, sames aron:roll:, morio and luigie:):P, peach and dasie:):), samul orn8), Link;), and zelda:oops:.
Emploanater Blog
Steven Hocking
by Emploanater on Comments
At my school, there is a lap top that talks like Steven Hocking. it vary anouging and funny at the same time.:lol: but it can sware:twisted:
helloween help
by Emploanater on Comments
GuysI need help to decide whathelloween custom to wear. Ether link or Mario.
bib and bub
by Emploanater on Comments
bib and bub have betten heros and I don't even know you or what the are. There game looks lame. I bet that there are fat @$$e$ how eat food all day. this just an opinan.
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