So they are still comparing the HD2900* Crossfire (2 cards) with 1 8800 GTX... sigh... I know they have to make the ATI look great and it is for the price but I would like to see the FPS for the SLI (2 cards) 8800 GTX :(
You got me wrong SirWrinkles, but Hameyadea got it right And have they said that the drivers wont be updated anymore? they sure will, both ATI and Nvidia will come up with some updates after the X10 games come out, you'll see...
Well Sir Wrinkles, they are using CROSSFIRE X2900XTs so that's 2 cards, hell of a power requirements, $800 bucks, while if you noticed, in some games the single 8800 GTX defeated the X2900XT, which is $500 - $600 and like 1/3 of the power requirements So which would you pick?
Lol if they would have used the 8800 GTX in SLI it would have won in every game But no, they had to use just 1 GTX so dumb people who wont notice will still be like "OMG ATI PWNS" Nice try ATI, you're too late though... just like 7 months late
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