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EnCodedStatic Blog

...Welcome back to the gaming ;-)

Well.. sorta forgot about my blogging but good news to report I am back on live and playing.. I finally picked up another 360 .. the other one is in the bedroom now and seems to be holding its own and working in there but main area is the living room. So I picked up the arcade console and just use my HDD off the other on it now came with an arcade disc and sega superstar tennis (an ok game) also picked up R6 Vegas 2 and got 'into' the game. so back to gaming and having fun with my friends.

see you on-line!


Ghost of xbox (RRoD) past??

Well first off, I know.. I finally posted something new :oops: well here it goes....

Grab a seat my lilttle kiddies and maybe a snack and let Uncle EnCoded tell you a horror story.

As most of us do I sometimes play on xbox live in "stealth mode" or invisible especially in long games that I want

to play without interuptions. Well as everyon knows xbox live sent out a 'system update' (for august 08 ) just a couple days ago.

well, I accepted the update and it zipped along doing its 'thing' then rebooted itself. I noticed when it rebooted the dashboard looked like it was filled with cheap gif graphics of its former "glory" and managed to sort of 'jump' around a bit then cleared up I had also downloaded 'braid' the demo to try out. it loaded then the graphics went 'wonky' again. My first thought was ghee this games looks crappy, then i thought of the dashboard funkiness. So i exited back to the dash and thought maybe I should just reboot again. I held down my little green 'x' on my controller and the shutdown screen came up rather shakey, so I clicked on shutdown. The 360 went off. I pushed my little green 'x' again to restart. The little green eye on my 360 twirled around indicating it was coming on but nothing appeared on my screen even though I could hear the 'normal' startup sounds through the surround sound. I was like hmm :| so I got up and manually shut off the system and restarted it....:? The same.. sound but no pic. well at this point it dawned on me. Last year around july I got the dreaded RRoD...after a normal system update...hmmm... so is this a revisit from the "update gremlins" or what:( I called the service center. the first guy I got to talk to said it would cost 99 bucks to send in and fix. that kind of irritated me but he said you do get a 1month gold free .. like that was some holy prize.. i replied 1 month.. thats not alot ya know and besides I have to pay 99 bucks !?!?! then he mysteriously said 3 months free gold I was like wait you just said 1 while ago. and I went on and told him about how I would have to wait a bit because I am on disabilty and dont have much money to spare and like if I wanted a newer game I would have to save up months in advance for it... then he says well let me speak to a supervisor, put me on hold again .. ugh then i got disconnected .. grrrrr. so i called back zipped past that darn 'max' program they have asking stupid questions and talked to another guy. turns out when i had sent in the 1st box for the RRoD repair the warranty for the repair on it .. I was told then... lasted a year.. doesnt it is only 90 days I said well i had been told when i sent it in it was 1 year.. he said let me get a supervisor for you (he was indian also as the first was) well i got put on hold .. click click.. the hold music changed and was much much clearer and no static on the line.. then some (assuming) american woman picked up the line. explained that the warranty was only 90 days and mine had expired in oct. of 07.. I was like uhm ok but even expired 90 days would have been in Nov. wouldnt it? i sent in my console in july (near the start of month).. got it back in mid august so unless there are some extra days in there I dont know about it should have expired in nov. she said nope in oct. and i said well i know its expired by now no big deal but when did that start? the 90 days? did it start as soon as I called in about the RRoD??? hmmm something there was fishy but anyhow.. long story short.. too late :roll: Now I have to save up some mullah (99bucks) to send in my unit to be repaired that sucks but I do still have old faithfull Xbox 1.0 to play till I can save up and send in.

so one of the morals of the story is: 1. Just when in crap did the 90 days start on that warranty??:o lol

and 2. What is in the future for Xbox "system updates"? Will it detect when you are not home, turn itself on and self-destruct your living room??:lol:

This is all just poking fun at xbox for a relief... Yes Ihave played playstaion (at my nephew's)and even Wii (at my sisters) we are a big gaming family. oh and I do have my DS to play some too. But having the xbox here both 1.0 and the 360 I played them most of the time.. Heck I even Beta-Tested on the Live system and been with them all these years.

So Companies .. please a little competion is a good thing but make sure that your system works well like I said I am on a tight budget as most families are these days but me being on disability (brittle diabetic with severe nerve damage (neuropathy) in left leg) makes it a bit harder at times or I would have ALL the systems. It gives me something to do other than the occasional odd PC repair and I enjoy gaming.

Don't fib to your customers, Dont try to over price stuff, Dont sell crappy extras that we dont need, and just be a darn good company that should mean customer satisfaction. heck you have made enuff off of me.. look at my games inventory LOL

and that my kiddies is the end of my story have a good night and play fair on your console of choice ;)

Rumors from OXM rumor mole.... *not me*

seems like there may be some cool games coming to the xbox 360 .. just a rumor from the officail xbox magazines rumor mole but... in the april 2007 issues says some interesting things about

  • hellgate london
  • crimson skies 2
  • duke nuken forever
  • Starwars old republic III
  • ***AND*  :o
  • World of Warcaft:Azeroth Adventures

possibly  .. could be or not some it says if they are developed some could be out in like 2008 or so..  Sooooo I suppose its a wait and see sort of thing but they all sound great to me!!!

just thought I would drop this in to a blog .. it is all in the april issue of OXM  (pages 64-66) check it out!