[QUOTE="Jman1234ueyhg"]Just got an update prompt which could be the new dashboard..Has anyone gotten a red light or freezing games after updating?KaotiK_un_basic
from what i've read (on majornelsan and xbox.com) MANY have.. i posted about it here to see if many have here. so far, no problems from G-spot members. (but look at the sites i mentioned and you'll be amazed how many have complained)
i'm so timid to update when (if!) i ever get my 360 back from repair.
well let me be one of the first gamespot users then..
after i got the update my 360 crapped out .. i can hear the sound but the video isnt working. I call the service center and they said i would have to pay to ship it in and 99 bucks to repair.. this is stupid. I had the RRoD last year about this time and got back a refurb and now this.. BOTH times it was after a system update. but why would an 'update' kill your console? whats next an update to make it explode?:| lol
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