honestly think as far as single player goes gameplay and story should go hand and hand. I never known a game to be successful if the story was entertaining and the gameplay was bad and vice versa.
I disagree, in GTA it gets better once the story progresses. It seems like all the side activities are an after thought. I know a lot of ppl who finished fallout to the bitter end. Just Cause...story...just sucked
@drumma1 @JayQproductions man if that's the case he's putting next-gen to shame and other programmers too. This game looks way too good to be on current gen. Didn't know Kojima was going the multiplatform route I thought Sony and him were tight?
for people saying each service has a better connection, it actually depends on YOUR service. PSN has a combo of ppl wired up and wireless. With wireless some people are lacking or surpass the PS3s mpb specs (54mbps) so when people match up and their mbps aren't close it generates lag. Xbox 360 requires most user to be wired up so that the mbps are even and that creates less lag. Although the 360's wireless components can get high mpbs you have to pay for it and your opponents probably won't have something like 300 mbps settings. Keep in mind if your router/bridge is set on a higher mbp rate then your console that's a problem.
Encognito_Mr_BC's comments