Every so often you see stories in the news about how the elderly are wasting away in horrid and depressing conditions within 'retirement/assisted living communities' and that is wretched and I'm not trying to detract from gravity of those situations, but I at the same time I can't help, but wonder how things will be when my generation retires..
And you know what? Unless the world implodes and all the women on the planet are stricken with an insidious disease that makes them breast-less.. I think retirement is going to be kick **** ass. In fact they may have re-coin retirement community to geriatric gaming community because as long as I can move a mouse and operate w,a,s and, d my ass is going to be chewing up bandwidth and tea bagging fools that don't know what time it is until I keel over due to a massive heart attack just as I scream into the microphone during a session of Counter Strike 35.
Course by that time I may not even have to use a mouse and keyboard and I might be able to game with just my brain and electrodes, though it's not my intention to speculate on future gaming technologies. All I'm trying to say is that in the future.. It might not be the 12 year olds with no life that piss you off in WoW and other games, but instead an 80 year old who only has to break so he can get a sponge bath by a lovely Swedish nurse with huge tracts of lands.
Or not..