@cory_vet_gamer So the time system is what bothering you ? tell me , what do you usually do when you play a ff game ? for me i do side/main quests , miss around a lil bit buying gears and stuff , then go back to doing quests , the time available for you increases when you do quests , allowing you to have time for other stuff like exploring and whatever , instead of pointing the game negative things , why not mention the good stuff ? i find the combat system , dress system , and the game new worlds to be pretty dam good , at least for me .
It's funny how much hate this game's getting , for the people who're unsure whether to try it or not because of people's negative opinions , DO NOT GET DESTRUCTED BY THEM ! , the game is pretty dam good , ofcourse it's not the " best FF game ever " but if you're a jrpg fan you will definitely enjoy it ,
EA how about WE DON'T CARE !! , You can suck your titan until it falls.... if you think that's a good reason to buy the shitty console then you're wrong , so i will probably get the pc version if at all .
What i hear microsoft saying in every damn article : " Wakk wakk wakk buy our console please WAAK Waaak it's better even through it looks otherwise WAAAAK !! "
EnelSama's comments