What will the videogame industry be like in four years?
According to a recent report in Game Informer magazine, the next generation of gaming consoles are already being developed, with Microsoft's and Nintendo's next consoles due out in 2010 and Sony's next console due out in 2012. But what kinds of games will we be playing?
While Sony and Microsoft have consoles dedicated to graphics and online play, Nintendo's console sacrifices graphics for innovation. But is it just a marketing strategy? The N64 tanked and Gamecube never got a fair shake, so Nintendo needed a cash cow to avoid going the way of the Sega. Their solution? Cater to millions of casual gamers with innovative motion-controlled games and leave the hardcore gamers to Sony and Microsoft. A risky move, but one that paid off with the Wii outselling the 360 and PS3 combined. To stay competitive with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are now exploring motion-controls for the current consoles. So how will this shape the industry in the next four years?
Nintendo has learned from their mistakes and have a solid marketing strategy. Already, they have more than recovered their losses from the N64 and Gamecube with their current Wii and DS sales. They now have a huge fanbase who will most likely buy Nintendo's next console. But what will that console be like? The smart money is on one with an HDD, improved motion-controls and next-gen graphics. They already have the casual gamers, and the HDD and next-gen graphics will help them win back the hardcore gamers. Then Nintendo will officially be back on top for the long haul.
But what about Sony and Microsoft? If they continue to deliver stunning graphics and massive online support, will that be enough to keep them floating? Motion-controlled gaming has really caught on and some are asking, "Is it just a fad or a gimmick?" Do you remember when people said the same thing about online gaming? Sony has the six-axis and is now designing a new motion-controller to compete with the Wii-remote/Nunchuck combo, and Microsoft has been hinting at a motion-controller for the 360.
I predict that while graphics will always be a deciding factor for a lot of gamers, motion-controls will earn a permanent place in the videogame industry alongside online gaming. That means the next generation of consoles will need to incorporate motion-controls as well as an HDD and adequate online functionality in order to succeed. Only time will tell.
And what about the next DS? Imagine a Nintendo handheld with a larger and sharper top screen, a larger touch screen, axis motion-controls, improved graphics and improved functionality.. Will any other handheld be able to compete?
The future of videogames seems cloudy, but very exciting...