Hmm.. Looks like I've created an account.
by Enigma_91 on Comments
This summer's dullness has led me to finally create my very own Gamespot account. Hopefully this will be an effective time waster for the next few months.. Anyway, this blog is going to be short, mainly because I don't know what to say. Lets start with a bit about me. I'm a guy, and I enjoy video games.. That should be obvious seeing as I'm on a video game site... I'll be starting university in about a month, so I'm excited/terrified for that. Heh, but yeah.. not much else comes to mind.. If there are any specific questions, I'll address them in the comments section. That's assuming there will be any comments though... Thats enough for now. This seems like a good enough introductory blog. I'll be back later for a more interesting and more thought out entry.. Hopefully I'll have some new GS friends by then.. :D
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