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EnigmaticTrip Blog

Anyone read this anymore?

So we've moved out to Trenton. Funtimes. Moving sucks.

You know what sucks worse though? The fact that the ceilings in the recroom *my gaming room* are too low for me to play DDR. How terrible is that?! I think I will cry. But, would cry more if I hit my head trying to play. I will have to bring the XBOX and DDR all the way upstairs to play, and then back downstairs if I wanna play something else. I plan to play more now though.. I need to get into shape. I'm so lazy.



More long periods of time in which I forget about this.
Not the site, mind you.. I often use it for my gaming purposes.. but I don't log in a lot when I am just going on to look for one thing.

I bought guildwards a few months back, have yet to play it though because I need a better video card in my PC. I am opting just to get a brand new computer instead.

How is everyone else's nerdyness going?

Long time no post!

Apparently I forgot about this site for a while. Ooooops!

In gaming news, Kate is giving me her XBOX pad so soon I will be able to try my hand at doubles. I've played a few times here and there, but with having two pads readily available to me all the time, I think I might try to master the doubles world. Everyone I talk to seems to be f'in awsome at singles (cept for me.. well, I'm good, just not THAT good) so perhaps there is something the world of DDR that _I_ can master.

I haven't finished Fable yet. I have little time aside from work eat sleep and homework to play anything, but I DID get too impatient and start KOTOR today. Its pretty cool... I really like the battle format.

I am seriously considering investing in Guildwars. It looks like a wicked game.

DDR + Fable + beer = :D :D :D :D

Played lots this weekend. :)

I beat the arena in Fable.. which I was almost disappointed in because it was so painfully easy. I was all nervous that it would be really hard, but it ended up being really easy. Someone told me before I went in that I would need to stock up on potions before I went in, and I did, but I barely used any. I guess I'm just that damn good.

I am normally more into hacking and killing as apposed to magic to aid me.. but I found it necessary in some parts of the game so far. Well not NECESSARY, but it made things smoother forsure. :P

I also played me some DDR this weekend. I got Caroline from work to come over on Friday night to drink (among other things) and she also tried DDR. She loved it. I feel good that I can convince a 40 year old crazy German lady to come drink beer with me and play DDR. :D

Horray for gaming!

Minus 1, Add 2!


I traded away my Crimson Skies game today. I am not really into flying games... the only reason I got it was because it came with the system. But so did Fable, and thats the game my mom wanted me to have. Crimson Skies is a good game, awsome graphics, but its not my kinda thing.


I got 2 games for it. Mark's friend Fish doesn't like any other games cept driving games... and hes pretty sure he'll like Crimson skies. So I got KOTOR and Mechassult!!! :D

Fair trade, yes?

bed + electric blanket + pillows + Fable = ONE HAPPY ME

So much work. I'm so tired.
I've been managing to get more time in for gaming, which isn't necessarily that good since I should be doing schoolwork as well now that I've been enrolled again :P
But meh.
I couldn't do homework before bed, but I CAN play games.. so I'm not really losing out on much.

So MK is pretty good. I had to print out something that tells me what is in all the gravestones in the Krypt... because it would waste too much time to unlock everything one by one only to find that most of it is useless and pointless. So far, I've unlocked all the chests that have more coins in them :P

Fable I'm gettin back into as well.. I stopped playing for a while when I went to Cuba, and didn't really play much of anything when I got back. I think this weekend I'll start DDRing again as well. I need to get into shape.

Ahhh well... fable calls me...
I love being able to lay in bed, with my electric blanket and tonnes of pillows, and play games.

Got it!!!

SO ..... I got MK: deception today. And a second controler and a save card so if I get really far playing by myself than I can bring the game and all the stuff I won to Windsor with me to play with my sisters boyfriend.


It is pretty gore filled, but thats the way I like my MK... :P

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