thanksgiving day
by EnsignHiro on Comments
Today is thanksgiving and like anyother its a great one! Playing some Super street fighter IV AE and trying to regain my bp ( lost alot due to bad connections and my own lack of concentration) fought a really high level Ken player that i normally face in ranked every now and then and lost. Since i am changing things up i messaged him "just wanted to say" , " thanks for being a mature high rank player. most high ranks are sore losers and just immature etc. we fight all the time but you never insult me regadless of rank and or result of battle". he did message me back and he didnt even realize we fight all the time. Its crazy because some people dont even know they may fight someone in particular all the time regardless of a win. I sent a friend request and he accepted it. we played alot of battles in endless and i won and lost some. it was very fun and he even admitted i should be ranked higher but i need to focus and block more. On another note i started reading up on Hyperdimension 2 and i gotta say..... im so tired of people being immature/ignorant to such things like characters in a game. Think about this,how would you feel if you played any particular game where you could cause some sort of violent act or moment by punching , kicking, slapping or grabbing someone and then someone comments negatively about you playing it. Your now in a forum talking about how you like the ideas of the game and the things you can do but someone comments and calls you a violent person and that your likely to kill someone. Wouldnt you feel as though that person is just starting such negativity over something that really isnt a big deal such as liking a game for the said reasons? Well in this case people get flammed for liking things such as Hyperdimension mk 2. They get called things such as pedos and such just because they think someone in the game looks or thinks someone is underage. Im so tired of people throwing out words such as pedo , weebo, lolilover, pervert etc when in reality the person did nothing wrong? How would you feel if someone called you a loser just because you play video games or you watch cartoons anime or both? You probably wouldnt want to be called a COD W(:"! if you enjoyed playing that but someone didnt like that you enjoy the game for your own reasons (btw i dont like the series but just using it as an example). This generation of gaming is being downpoured with people who are just too dramatic or too sensitive to what someone plays or does with their game. If it doesnt harm you or offend you why bother ruining someone else's fun or time talking with other respectfully?