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Top Moments I had in Gaming 3

Game: Half Life 2

System: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC

Moment: Saw Blades + Endless Zombies + Gravity Gun- After being separated from from your teammate Alyx you are forced to take the treacherous route of Ravenholm invested with moaning, trudging zombies. You first encounter the sawblades after being cornered by the seemingly endless waves of zombies. After already experimenting with the physics engine for a while it takes a gruesome twist in this section. Nothings feels better than lining 10 or 12 of em' and slicing them all in half like they were fruit. (did that sound sadist?) Personally I was terrified when i ran out of ammo and had to change to chucking whatever i could find, but it was satisfying. Eventually making a shotgun a second choice.

Game: Metal Gear Solid 3

System: Playstation 2

Moment: This Is The End (for you my friend)
Sniper moments are always the best in the MGS series. And maybe i've been gushing about MGS too much but there are so many great moments! The End is an old man asleep for several years ways for his last fight. Lucky for Snake. His body has camouflage, and he is photosynthetic he can stay in one spot for days. The battle is divided in three areas, and there are many ways to take him down.

  1. Take him down in a cutscene with a sniper rifle
  2. Save your game when the battle starts, wait ten days the End dies of old age
  3. Run up behind him shot gun to the back, follow his footsteps
  4. Endure yourself for the greatest sniper battle ever

First time through I shot him with rifles and shotguns and the second time through i savored it and waited and waited and waited. I think it took me about an hour.

Game: Metal Gear Solid

System: Playstation

Moment: Psycho. Mantis.- This fight doesn't just break the forth wall, it knocks the entire house down. I'm really starting to try to figure out how someone would figure this without extra help. Let's begin. The fight begins with Mantis reading your memory card and commenting on any saved files you have. following that he requests you to place your controller on the ground, and by using the rumble feature he moves your controller. He controls Meryl, (the girl your protecting) making her either attack your or try to shoot herself. Then he reads your mind again, anticipating your every move. This makes it impossible to shoot him or even damage him. How do you avoid this? Duh! just control Snake with controller 2. It's all so Obvious. Great Fight. After you beat him he talks in cyrptics forever and finally uses his power for good.