EnzoJ22 / Member

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EnzoJ22 Blog

why now?

Why, please tell me why should mexico can win the Little League of baseball this year Mexico did one of the greatest seasons, they win every single game until the final, and then with Hawaii, that I'm sorry but is what I think, wasn't better then Mexico, I was celebrating when I see them win vs Louisiana, I think that it will be a piece of cake, but they give us a surprise, Congratulations to hawaii, and maybe next year...again =(

Americans...Again =(

Today...well actually yesterday here in Mexico, was the All-Star Game(baseball) and it was a exciting 15 innings game, that ends with the victory of the American League, like in the past five or six years, so, as a National League fan, I will really like to see them winning but well, this year was a pretty exciting game, as the most long All-Star Game with 15 innings and 4:50 hours of play, so if any one miss it, bad luck, maybe this will be one of the greatest game in history.

Finally a Progress

I have since december with my PS3 and it came with a game called MotorStorm, it was pretty cool at the begining but when I get to the last tickets became pretty frustating that I can finish the game, since February I haven't played except just for Online Mode, but today tired of F1(my other game of 2 I have) I decide to give it a try, so...finally today I'm just 2 wins to open the final ticket, so hopefully tomorrow will be the day that I opened, maybe I will look like the biggest loser, but I'm pretty excited. LOL

PS3 Trophies

hey guys...im not the kind of guy that post everything on a blog, but this really like this, the new PS3 firmware its a great creation from Sony, well maybe some 360 fans will be mad if i use that word, but i don´t know the 360 trophies sistem, so i don´t have something to compare with, but still I can say that its really cool actually, i have no trophies right know...but i can see how it works, and i´m shure that every PS3 owner...will enjoy it.;)




This is my first entry and its about my banner, it should be easy but its giving me some problems, maybe anyone looking my blog at this moment know how to do it better, so i´m open to every help, ha ha, please help I have probably about 3 or 4 hours trying to make it, i want a nice banner, but its giving me some trouble.
