Yep, today I've realised that my last blog entry is from February 7... 2008. So I've proposed myself to start writing this blog again, to share my ideas about this industry, videogames, and whatever I find interesting.
Today I'd like to show you what videogames I have for the PlayStation 3. I bought the consoloe some time ago (April-May 2007 I think), but I've never told you so much about it.
Right now, I'm playing Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Tom Clancy's EndWar, Tiger Woods 09 and Resistance 2. The last game I bought was Killzone 2 and I'm really enjoying it. I've just finished the game without dying and reached the General rank online. I (just) have to finish the game on Elite mode and get the weekly ranks to achieve the Platinum trophy.
What do you think about my collection? What games would you add?