I finished the game just now and i have to say its one of the best games i have EVER played! The game without a doubt has very proficient graphics, and amazing voice acting. Its VERY long for a PSP game, and it tells a wonderful story!
This game tells all about what happens before the events of Final Fantasy VII, Zack is ALIVE and well :) His mentor Angeal is alive and Genesis is as well, Sepheroth es SANE, and this game has the story of ALL the characters! As you can tell from my Fourm posts I am a huge fan of Genesis... He makes constant Loveless quotes and is a very deep individual.....
The game in a cosmic sort of way all revolves around the Dumbapples that grow in Genesis and Angeal's hometown. Genesis is always speaking of the Gift of the Goddess ( See the poem under my banner ) He is giving info into what happens in the future of this series like he already knows whats going to happen.....
This game has many emotional moments like the ending, when Zack meets Aerith for the first time and falls in love, when Angeal Dies, When Genesis SUPPOSEDLY Dies like 9 times ( anyone who saw the secret ending of Dirge of Cerberus knows he is full well alive ) and of course the sad SAD ending....
Overall this game is totally amazing and i reccomend it to ANYONE who is a lover of the Final Fantasy games!