I really don't understand this Sony vs. Microsoft stuff. I love games and play them on the PC, PS3 and Xbox. I'm glad to see them move into the next generation of systems. I would love to see Sega jump back in and make a system. It is nice to have options and not be stuck with only one system maker.
The problem with Gears is that the studios looked at this as fresh start because it is a prequel. However, the fans of Gears view this as the 4th game. These studios need to learn from 343. They came out and just said it's Halo 4 and built on what previous games did instead of creating their new version of the game with stripped down features missing from previous games. If a game studio is removing the characters you can select, the number of maps and modes in a game, then they are probably going in the wrong direction.
Until they bring back Horde mode, they kiss my f...ing a$$. The Gears ban is still on. bunch of stupid f*ck3rs. BTW for my Gears friends...this is CaptainThule117. People can fly should change their name to People That Suck.
The game industry has put ratings on their games just like the movie industry, TV and books. Why is it singled out? I'm a parent. I read the labels. Apparently 89% of parents are stupid. If you are going after the video game industry, then you have to go after all of them. You cannot pick and choose. If you go after all of them, then where is the freedom?
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