So, it's week two for the good ol' blog and I think it's turning out nicely. I was commented twice on my first post and tracked by two people, so thank you all who gave their time to read through it.
Last week I said I would discuss more on Dark Messiah Might and Magic: Elements. Unfortunately I wasn't able to complete the game due to business such as honor band which took up a good portion of my free time, however, I was really able to get a good idea of the game since I had completed a good half or so of the game.
A lot of people will probably end up never trying this wonderful port due to GameSpot's review, however I personally think it deserves a good rental. Elements offers some pretty amazing stuff. The combat is fun, the spells are nice even though I never used them a lot being an Assassin, the story is... Eh... Okay. It's an action game with some RPG elements, what more can you expect? The graphics at time really are great, however there are other times where terrain can look blotchy, and some things up close look horrid, but chances are, you will be so sucked into the action, you wont have time to notice.
In the end, Elements offers a good addition to any fan of the action RPG genre's collection. Well... At least just rental.
This week I was able to pick up Lost Odyssey and boy oh boy is this an amazing game or is this an amazing game? Yeah, that's what I thought. I also got my hands on a copy of The Club which was getting some attention in the forums. So far I'm really digging this game. The single player campaign is a bit dull due to how repetitive the missions are, but it really shines in online.
I've played Lost Odyssey a good three and a half hours and I just finished my first boss. I must admit, I'm in love with the writers. The way they have put together these memories that Kaim recover are absolutely amazing. These are really amazing stories that actually make me feel emotion. I can't remember the last time I felt sad or happy from playing a video game.
One problem I have with the Lost Odyssey, which is a small problem, but a problem nonetheless, is the camera. I'm really not digging the way it works. Actually, after playing so much, it's not too bad. Honestly, it just takes some time to get use to. The camera to me feels like it's zoomed out so far and it doesn't actually follow the character. It's all most stationary.
Maybe I'm overreacting. It's not really that bad now after I've put some time into getting use to the way it is.
This game is pretty big. Well, it is big. I mean, c'mon. Four discs? That's huge! I know I wont be able to finish it off or even be close to fininish it in only one rental period, but I'll probably rent it a few more times so I don't have to buy it and can save some cash. You know... I really should consider GameFly...
Anyways, on to The Club. The Club is a pretty sweet game. It's very arcade like when it comes to the single player. You choose from a list of so many characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You then play through a series of tournaments which includes staying in a zone marked by street cones and chalk and surving for so long, scoring as many points as possibly and finding the exit, completing so many laps in a certain amount of time, and so on.
In the single player you get so many points for every kill depending on how you killed them. Like a headshot might score more points than a bunch of shots to the torso and so on. Every kill also adds one to a multiplier. If you're good, you can get your multiplier really high and start racking in the big points.
Unfortunately, this is not the case when it comes to playing on LIVE. They trash the multipliers and the scores and it basically turns into your usual deathmatch. For some reason though, this time it's okay. It stands between being a tactical third person shooter like Gears of War and a run 'n gun sort of game somewhat like Halo 3. All in all, it's worth it and should be given at least a rental.
2008 has been a great year for games all ready and will continue all the way to the end. In just this year amazing games like Devil May Cry 4, Lost Odyssey, Turok, and more have been released with more awesome titles to follow like Fable 2, Gears of War 2, APB, Grand Theft Auto IV, Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, and a whole bunch more. As you can see, it's been madness.
When will we see a break!? All I ask for is one month of no games. Just one month! I haven't played any of my six purchased games since last week. I feel like I will have very little time if I'm lucky, if not, then no time to catch up on these old but great games like Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Dead Rising, Crackdown, and so on! The list just goes on and on. I try to get the latest games so I have something interesting to talk about in my blog, but those oldies are calling my name!
Those who have been reading my blog obviously know I'm a pretty active user in the Xbox 360 message board. I actually haven't posted anywhere else but there. I've had some great discussions with other users of the message board. Some people I have some disagreements with, but that's the best thing about forums. Everyone has their own opinions. Not everyone will agree and disagree at the same thing. This is the first step for great discussions.
Speaking of great discussions, while browsing the message board, some topics have caught my eye and are pretty interesting to me. Some of you might have all ready been involved with these threads, but some of you might have missed them. I would really love some feedback from readers and tell me what you think about these.
1: Are casual games taking over? I believe they are. More and more titles release every day than they ever have that appeal to a larger audience of gamers. Some young, some old. What about us dedicated gamers! We have a bunch of free time for games, but instead they throw garbage our way. This isn't true all of the game. There has all ready been great releases of games that better suit games such as myself who tend to have more time for gaming.
2: Is it still fair for games to recieve reviews? Sure, they are great for gamers to get a good idea whether they might purchase the game or not, but nowadays, it's cheating. Either games get the upperhand and recieve great reviews due to well... Obvious reasons that I wish not to explain or they recieve crummy reviews. Sometimes these games that recieve horrible scores are great games. However in 2008, after gaming has been around for so long, unique video game ideas are hard to come by because everything has all ready been done. Is it not cheating that a game takes a penalty because there idea has been done before?
3: Moderation in the forums is all ways good... Most of the time. Sometimes certain things are overlooked by moderators. C'mon, they're only human. They have a nifty little logo that says MOD next to their name, but that's nothing. However sometimes moderators go to far as to lock great discussions such as the Older Gamers thread which in my opinion is a great thread even though I'm 15 and I don't apply to it. Yes, the thread was eventually unlocked and only locked due to a misunderstanding of a moderator. Other times moderators just let stuff fly by without any action. Sure they can't be on 24/7, but it's rare that a moderator isn't on when a player creates another topic about x game VS. y game or x character VS. y character. Sure it's nice every now and then, but not ten topics a day! What about recommendation topics? There is a sticky for recommendations, but most members decide to create new topics anyways. Isn't the point of a sticky to keep the clutter away?
Anyways, thanks for everyone that brought up these discussions in the message boards. Remember, these are just my opinions. I look forward to hearing opinions from others.
That's about it for my second blog post. I really appreciate constructive criticism, so please, comment away.
Oh, and yes, I do know these blogs are long. I have a lot to say. Feel free to read what you want to and skip what you want to.
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