Don't worry folks, I plan this blog to be very, very short. There really isn't much I wish to discuss unfortunately, however, I plan on maybe blogging on Wednesdays where I will discuss certain topics that sparked my interest in the forums where I'll definitely want your opinions.
So last I week I unfortunately had to return The Club and Lost Odyssey. The Club was in fact my first game I played on LIVE and it definitely was a terrific game. It will all ways have a place in my heart. Along with of course Lost Odyssey. Lost Odyssey is one of those once in a blue moon kind of games. I sure hope Mistwalker continues on this path of amazing game development.
So I rented my last game, at least until this weekend which I will talk about later, Frontlines: Fuel of War which is surprisingly a good game. A lot of people on the forums are really hating on this game just because they played the demo which was supposedly really bad. Notice I bolded demo? You know what I have to say to those people? A lot of you same people complain about GameSpot giving Lost Odyssey a poor score due to a not finalized version of the game which game with long load times. Isnt a demo something like a not finalized game? I believe it is.
Frontlines is a great game that every fan of the FPS genre should definitely give a try, maybe just a rental for now. This game is still new and is still working out the kinks in the dedicated servers which is a big plus so you might have issues playing online at the moment. I know I do. Sometimes it's a really hassle trying to join a dedicated server because I'll all ways recieve errors like the session has ended. However, I found that if join a server with a what seems to be a low populated server like 8/32, I can squeeze in. When I join, it turns out that there is all ready 32 players in the server! For some reason, I get the feeling my error has something to do with it being full or not. I'm probably wrong, but this is just my theory. So yeah, definitely give a go at Frontlines. The single player story is actually relatively good.
A friend of mine who is a big PC gamer has talked me into playing this free MMORPG called Mabinogi. By the look of it, it appears to be a cutesy anime game, which isn't bad. I have nothing against cute and anime. My friend has created a YouTube video which shows off the combat during the pre-open beta.
This weekend I'm finally getting together with a friend, the same one who created the YouTube video, where we will have a Mabinogi marathon or should I call it a plain ol' game-a-thon? Along with Mabinogi, we will be trying to hopefully pick up some titles like Army of Two and some ****cs like Comdemned, Rainbox Six Vegas, and Crackdown along with enjoy some Halo 3, Rock Band, and BioShock.
That is about it for this week. Once again, feel free to comment on whatever. I really do appreciate constructive criticism as I am still but a newbie when it comes to blogging.